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"You did what now?" A harsh voice greeted Theo early the following afternoon.

"I lied to Ryan about my whereabouts as well as our plan to speak to Aphrodite today. No biggie." She retorted, casually adjusting the laces on her boots as if it truly was no big deal.

"No biggie?! First of all, he's bound to find out soon enough and I'd rather not be on the wrong end of a god's crazy temper. Second of all, in case something goes wrong it would be pretty smart to have at least someone aware of our last known location, especially someone as powerful as him. Lastly, he could've been a huge asset!"

The tumultuous pair had yet to so much as even begin their journey to Aphrodite. It was only when Theo subtly danced around the fact that she lied to Ryan that the already flimsy plan began to fall apart.

"Look, we can either get this over with or sit here as you list every way in which I've failed so far. Now I'd much rather chase a lead on the person who's constantly trying to take my life. What about you?"

"I can do both. I'm an excellent multitasker." Cass ultimately decided before storming out to the awaiting car.

Theo could only shake her head at her unbelievably dramatic partner before following suit, painfully unaware of a nearby presence carefully examining their every move.

"So, idiot, any reason you're keeping things from lover boy? Trouble in paradise already?" Cassandra then asked sometime during the drive.

"No offense, but now is not the time for sudden road trip bonding. Last time I checked, you hated my guts and this mission doesn't change anything." Theo replied.

"I never said I didn't like you. Plus, we were competing. Did you expect me to wanna have sleepovers and paint your nails?"

"Just because I was a bit competitive did not mean I never liked you or respected the work that's gotten you where you are today. Aside from all that, I have no problem with you and I apologize if I ever made you feel that way all this time." She said, continuing to surprise Theo.

"Are you dying?" The ever confused girl asked.

"Nope. Just tired of being the bad guy in everyone's stories. Plus we have a common goal for once and it would be better met if we were at least amicable. Also, I'm curious by nature and I still fail to see the reason we couldn't bring Ryan along. He could have been pretty helpful."

"I know that," she sighed, "and I still don't completely understand why I lied. He asked and in that moment I guess I was coming to terms with having this new presence so willing to protect and care for me. No one's ever done that before, never so fast, and never with such devotion."

"And the problem is?"

Silence was all that followed and soon Cassandra worried Theo would never answer. But one glance at the quiet woman told her all she needed to know. For Theo was stuck in her own head trying to put the strange feeling into words for the first time.

"I've spent a lifetime wearing my big girl pants and cleaning up my own messes. I didn't need anyone to swoop in and save the day and I don't need anyone now. You don't want to be the bad guy, and I don't want to be the damsel."

"Makes sense."

"Well, now I've confessed something that up until now I haven't had the strength to admit to myself. Satisfied?"

"Good enough for me. It's moments like this that solidify the foundation of an awesome friendship."

"Speaking of, I never really hated you either. Despite your competitive nature, you were easily the most dedicated of us all and it's nice to see that hasn't changed." Theo quietly admitted before turning to admire the scenery just out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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