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"To be quite honest with you, I never expected you to actually call," Cassandra noted once she'd finally met face to face with Theo.

Not long after contacting Cassandra did Theo rush to her office to search for answers the only way she knew how. At one point she considered making this journey with Ryan at her side, but evidently they weren't as close as she'd initially believed.

"Why's that?" She begged the question.

"In all our time during the internship and training together, you were never really the bold one. You were so meek. You've got a talent for writing, but you didn't stand out to me. I'm glad you proved me wrong."

"But," she began, "where's waterboy?"

"He's out of the equation. It's just me and you. Tell me what you know and how I can help."

"He could be useful." Cassandra surmised.

"We'll see about that. Now, spill."

"Alright. Renatta Gilbert is no more than a power-hungry bitch hell-bent on conveying this false angelic persona to the world so they'd never guess what she was truly involved in behind the scenes." Cassandra said as she stood from her desk.

Whilst seemingly searching her office she continued her observations.

"What made you investigate her in the first place? What tipped you off about her?"

"I don't trust people who push this superhero agenda. What human being genuinely wants to help this shitty world whilst asking for nothing in return? No one but fools or liars."

"Which draws me to the terrorist group called The Saviors. Have you heard of them?"

She then returned and dropped a small file before Theo.

"They're some anonymous people tied to some attacks against the gods and goddesses who've made themselves known on Earth." Theo honestly answered.

They'd come across her radar once or twice but it was something far bigger than her. Theo had only just laid a finger on the file when Cassandra slapped it close.

"Before we get any further, I need you to swear to me that whatever is revealed in this room stays in this room. I can't risk any of this being leaked before I've had the opportunity to gather as much leverage as possible."

"Not even my own best friend?"

"No one. It's safer for you and anyone you care about. Got it?"

"Got it." She relented.

Once Cassandra removed her hand, Theo flipped the file open and gasped at the sight of Renatta and another woman photographed in suspicious places with what she believed to be weaponry far too advanced to be legal for a regular person to own.

"You're not saying.."

"They are the Saviors. The woman at her side is Jelena, her longtime girlfriend who prefers to keep out of the spotlight but they're pretty much inseparable. Especially after the loss of their third member, an unnamed person who pretty much handled everything for them. This is why since their death, Renatta's gotten a bit sloppy."

"I don't understand. What would Renatta have against me? I'm a normal human being."

"That's what I don't quite understand and why I asked for your help."

"How long have you been following this case?"

"About a year or two."

"And do you have any leads? A plan? While these pictures might be a bit incriminating, Renatta has the best lawyers money can buy and she's seemingly always a step ahead, so where does this end?"

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