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The monster turned around and looked at us but then I realized that it didn't have a face, only a huge mouth that opened up like a flower. I looked over to 11 and she was just as scared as I was. We both start screaming as loud as we could. I new something was happening in the real world because I could hear a lot of racket going on. I decided to get out of there to get away from this thing. When I left my mind I felt blood coming out of my nose and ears. I can hear 11 still screaming so I new she was still in there. I hear a noise coming from over me and I see someone taking me out of the tank. When I get out I look over at the wall and see a huge crack in the wall! They quickly took me out of the room, when I got to where papa was I fell to the ground from using to much of my power and all the commotion going on I just couldn't take it. Papa walked over to me and picked me up. He look at me and saw how tired I was and set me down on an empty table and continued watching 11. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the spot.
(In your dream)
You were running out of the doors of the lab and climbed over the gate and just kept running until you saw four boys that were about your age and just stared at you.
( end of dream )
When I woke up I then realized that it was time to escape this wretched place.

Subject 10- stranger things Mike  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now