Mouth Breather

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We were on the bikes heading to school. I was on Mike's bike and El was on Dustin's. when we were riding through the town I felt calm, it reminded me of when they brought me home the morning I left.
We arrived at school and put the bikes in the bike rack. We walked in and Mike said, " Ok, so we are going to go in, find Will, and leave."
( Again I don't completely remember the lines from the show )
We were about to walk into a room The was labeled 'AV ROOM' but it was locked. " Locked," Mike said trying to open the door. Dustin looked at me and said, " Can you open it?" I was about to respond but someone came up to us. " What are you doing?" The person asked and we all turned around to see a tall man with a mustache. " Shouldn't you be at the assembly for Will?" " Uh.. well we were so sad that we were just going in here to uh.. think about our feelings," Dustin said. " Ya and um.. cry," Lucas said. ( again don't remember it that well. )
" Well if you come to the assembly then after, then it's all yours," he said throwing some keys to Lucas. " Oh and I don't believe we met, what's your name?" he said looking at me and El. " Elev-" El was about to say but Mike cut her off, " Eleanor, my cousin," he said. " Second cousin," Lucas added. " And who are you?" He asked me. " Y/n, Eleanor's sister," I said back to him. " And where are you from?" He asked. " Bad place," El said but Mike cut her off, " Sweden, I have a lot of Swedish family. They hate it there." " Cold," Lucas said.
" Subzero," Dustin said. I nodded and looked over to El and she looked very confused. " Well should we get going?" He asked and Lucas responded with, " Yep," and we walked to the gym.
Dustin shoves the doors open and everyone in the gym looked at us. "Abort," Dustin whisper yelled to us trying to walk away but we wouldn't let him. We walked over to the bleachers and sat down in a row. We were just listening to the principal speak until we heard some boys talking about Will and not in a good way. We all looked over at them very annoyed. " Mouth breather," I said and Mike looked at me as I sat back in my seat.
After the assembly Mike went over to the boys and started calling for them. He said one of their names were Troy. " You think this is funny?!" Mike said and I could tell that he was very mad. " What did you say Wheeler?!" He responded obviously not wanted to talk to him. " I-I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that was a real messed up thing to do!" Mike said. The other boy responded by saying, " Didn't you listen to the counselor over there, ' grief shows itself in funny ways." Then Troy continued by saying, " Besides, what's there to be sad about anyways, Will's in fairy land now right? Flying around with all the other little fairy's, all happy and gay." He then laughed a little and all I wanted to do was fling him across the room. He then started singing going ' Lalalalala,' they then started walking away when Mike went over and pushed Troy to the ground. " Your dead Wheeler! DEAD!" He yelled started to run over to Mike but I stoped him, frozen in his tracks. I then made him pee himself, just for fun. Mike looked back at me and saw the blood dripping from my nose. I smiled a little then wiped the blood and walked back to where the others were.
" Hey what's going on here?" The principal yelled and Mike ran over to us and we left to the AV ROOM to find Will.
" Hey what you did back there, was awesome!" Mike said to me. " No problem, I didn't want him to do something worse then give you a scrape on your chin." I responded smiling to myself from the funny thing I made happen. When we got to the AV ROOM we locked the door and sat El in the chair in front of this big radio thing. She closed her eyes concentrating. " She's doing it, she's finding him!" Mike said with a small smile on his face. " This is crazy," Dustin added. " Calm down, she just closed her eyes," Lucas said before the lights went out. We all jumped when it happened. We then heard banging from the radio. " What is that?" Dustin asked. I kept going and I was starting to get scared. We then heard Will's voice from the radio. "Mom?" He said. " No way," Lucas said and we all looked at each other. He kept saying mom over and over again. " WILL?" Mike said and Lucas continued by saying, " WILL ITS US ARE YOU THERE?!?" " CAN YOU HEAR US WE'RE HERE!?" Dustin added. Will kept saying ' Hello and mom' in a very scared tone. " Why can't he hear us?" Lucas said. " I don't know!" Mike added. He said things like ' it's coming,' and I was starting to think that and I think he was talking about the Demogorgan. " It's like cold, but it's so dark, it's so dark and empty, and it's cold! MOM, MOM!" He was crying now I could hear it. I just wanted to give him a hug. They the radio thing caught fire and the lights came back on and the fire alarm went off. Dustin grabbed the fire extinguisher and stopped the fire. I looked over to El and blood was dripping from her nose and her face was all vainy. " El are you ok?" Mike said to her. She didn't answer from using to much power. " Can you move?" Mike asked again. She just stared at him looking like she was about to pass out. " Help her up," Mike said and we all got her up and put her on a cart and brought her back outside where the bikes were. When we were riding back home I closed my eyes and concentrated, trying to contact Will. I remember papa telling me to try and talk to him in my head, but it didn't work and I got put in the closet and they locked the doors. But I'm going to try again for Will. All I could think of was Will and trying to talk to him. ' Will?' I asked in my head. ' Y/n?' He responded. ' Yes, yes Will it's me. I know where you are I just want you to tell me how you got there?' I already knew I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else. ' There was this monster, t-that was chasing me home. I ran in the shed at my house but it got me. And I woke up here.' He told me, I could hear the sadness in his voice. ' Don't worry Will, we will find you, just stay safe and away from the monster, please.' I told him. ' Ok,' was all he said before I realized that we were back at Mike's house and they were shaking me awake. " Y/n are you ok?" Mike asked. " Yes, I- I was talking to Will, I know where he is."

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