Where's Will?

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When Mike came downstairs in the morning he saw me asleep with dried tears on my face. He shook me awake and I quickly woke up. " Are you okay?" Mike asked with a worried look on his face. I shook my head and said, " Will's in trouble."

Will's pov
I woke up in a place that looked like the shack by my house but it wasn't. It was dark, cold, and ashy. I then heard a sound, the same sound that I heard the night before. I then ran out of the shack and into the woods to get away from the creature that took me here. I kept running until I found castle Byers, the one me and my older brother and I made. I went inside it and I felt a little more comfortable, but I was still terrified.

Mike's pov
I asked Y/n how she knew he was in trouble but she couldn't tell me, I didn't know why? I then heard my mom call my name and told me that I was going to be late for school. " Here eat this, I'll be back soon," I said giving her a piece of toast. She nodded and ate it. I then left and went to school.
Lucas, Dustin, and I rode our bikes to school, but Will wasn't here, was Y/n right about Will being in trouble? We parked our bikes on the bike rack. "Where's Will?" Dustin asked. ( A/n I making this scene from the show a little different ) " He's probably early to class." Lucas said, responding to Dustin. I wanted to tell them but what is Y/n was wrong or lying to us. Then we saw Troy and his friend walk up to us saying, " Step right up ladies and gentlemen, step right up and get your tickets for the freak show." ( A/n I'm writing this while watching the show btw ) " Who do you think we'll make more money at a freak show? Midnight, frog face, or toothless?" Troy said again saying our stupid nicknames he gave us. Then his friend said, " I'll go with toothless," saying toothless in a weird voice while pushing Dustin. Dustin responded by saying, " I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called Cleidocranial dysplasia." " Do the arm thing," Troy said. Dustin then took off his backpack and put his shoulders together. They then make disgusted noises and walk away pushing us out of there way. " I think it's kinda cool, it's like you have superpowers or something." I say to make Dustin feel a little better.

Y/n's pov
I sat in the fort Mike made me, and thought about what I saw last night. I then decide to look and see what how 11 is doing, if papa is hunting her or something. I close my eyes and concentrate only thinking of 11. When I open my eyes I was in my mind. I then saw 11 sitting at a table talking to someone in a large yellow shirt on. She escaped!?! I ran up to her and tried to get her attention to see if she could sense me there but why I got to her she disappeared into dust.
I closed my eyes trying to get out of that place.
When I opened my eyes again I was back in the fort. I then started crying because I was so happy that she was safe and away from papa and the lab.

Mike's pov
We were riding our bikes home from school and we all were going to my house, then I realized that Lucas doesn't know that Y/n what at my house.

Y/n's pov
I finally stoped crying when I heard the door open. I got out of the fort and saw Mike, Dustin, and the other boy that I think his name is Lucas. "Why is she here?" Lucas said. " She didn't have a place to go." Mike responded. " Well that doesn't mean she has to stay with us!" " She not staying with you so why do you care so much?!?" I was fed up with all this fighting so I used my powers to separate them. Mike and Lucas went flying to different sides of the room. They both looked very confused, they then looked at my and saw the blood dripping from my nose. " No more fighting!" I said and went back to my fort and wiped the blood away.

Mike's pov
I was just thrown to the other side of the room after me and Lucas were arguing. I looked over to Y/n and saw blood coming from her nose. " No more fighting!" Y/n said. Did she do that? " Superpowers." Dustin said with a smile on his face. Y/n went back into the fort wiping the blood from her nose. Dustin ran over to her and said, " Did you do that?" She nodded her head. " You can't tell anyone." She said with a serious look on her face. Dustin then said, " What else can you do?" " No," Y/n said. " Not now,"

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