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Before Mike left for school he gave me a watch and told me to go to where the power lines were at 3:15. Once he left and we knew no one was in the house we decided to go upstairs and explore. El went over to the living room and I went upstairs. I found a room that was obviously a older girls room. I looked at her pictures of a girl that looked a lot like Mike and another girl with red hair and glasses.  I went to the other side of the room and saw a little box on her dresser. I opened it and it played music. When I first opened it, it startled me so I closed it immediately after. I then realized that it was harmless and opened it back up to listen to the music. It was soothing and I watched the little figure of a ballerina twirl around. After the song ended I closed the box and went downstairs to see what El was doing. I saw her looking at the TV screen looking very scared. I quickly go over to her and look at the screen and saw a commercial for Coca-Cola and I remembered the day we got tested.
011 and I sat in a white room. We had these things on my head that showed our heartbeat. There was a window in front of us showing papa and some other scientists. There was a table in front of us with two Coca-Cola cans on it. We both looked at papa and he just nodded. We then looked at each other then back at the cans. We then concentrated on the cans to try and crush them. 011 did it but I just couldn't. After I felt like I was going to pass out I took off the thing on my head. I was scared because I knew papa would take me to the room but not 011. I got up and started walking backwards towards the wall to try and get away from papa and his people. 011 just looked at me in shock. I think she was scared for me because she knew what would happen. Papas men grabbed my arms and walked me out of the room. I was screaming so loud for help to get away from these people. When they pushed me into the room I didn't let them close the door and leave me in there. I used my power to open the door and crushed their brains. I fell to the ground from to much power use. Papa came into the room where I was. He picked me up and just looked at me. " Wow," was all he could say. He walked to my room with me still in his arms just looking at me in shock. I was scared and wanted to just be in my room and sleep.
I just stared at the screen. Once it ended I turned off the TV and looked at the time and saw that it was 3:12 so I tool El's arm and took her to the power lines. As soon as we got there Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were riding their bikes over to us. " Get on," Mike said and I got on the back of his and El got on the back of Dustin's.
We arrived at some railroad tracks and got off the bikes and started walking. After awhile I looked at Mike and noticed something on his chin. " What is that?" I asked and pointed to his chin.
" It's Uh... nothing. It's nothing." He said obviously lying. " Friends don't lie," I said a little annoyed that he lied to me. " Um..... a mouth breather Troy pushed me at school today." He said looking down. " What's a mouth breather?" I asked. " It's a dumb and stupid person." He said looked down at the tracks again.
( A/n I don't really remember this part but I'm trying. Bare with me ok)
El was in front of us leading the way to where ever Will was. Like and hour or two later we arrived at a house, it was small but nice. There was a little shed probably for tools and stuff. " Why are we here?" Lucas asked, very annoyed. " Hiding," El said, probably talking about Will. " No, this is Will's house," Mike said to El. " Did we walk all the way here for her to tell us that he's hiding!?!?" Lucas said, almost yelling. " El, this is where Will is hiding from," Mike said again. I could tell Lucas was about to yell again but I stepped in to stop this mess because I could tell El was confused because I knew she was just trying to help. "STOP IT! Your scaring her and all she was trying to do was help and all you do is yell at her!" I say but then we hear sirens.
We followed the sirens till we made it to a big lake. I saw some people pull something out of the lake and when I saw what it was and I froze. " I-it's W-will." I said almost crying. I've only known him for a day but for the time I've known him he was very sweet and nice. I started running over there but Mike stopped me, " You can't go over there, they can't know we're  here!" Mike said to me but I didn't listen because I have another power. I can make people see or not see what ever I choose. ( like Kali's/8 power ) When I went over there I made all the people over there not able to see me. I went to the gap where no one was and held his hand but something wasn't right. His hand didn't feel like skin, it felt like rubber. I backed away and ran over to Mike and El with blood dripping from my nose. " How didn't they see you?" Mike asked. " I can make people see or not see whatever I choose." I tell him. " But that's not the point, that thing over there, it isn't Will. It's a dummy."
A few hours later we were back at Mike's house and I was laying on the couch from using to much of my power and El was on Mike's Super Com. Then randomly we hear Will's voice, well more like his singing voice,  over the Super Com singing should I stay or should I go. I looked over to El and saw blood dripping from her nose.  Mike and I run over to her and listen to Will. When it stops Mike says, " I-is that-," "Will," El said cutting him off. Will is alive, and we are going to find him.

Subject 10- stranger things Mike  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now