Baking Fun

415 20 16

{Patton's POV}

After half an hour, I turn off my TV and brush my hair, straightening the arms of the grey cardigan around my shoulders. I enter the kitchen and sure enough, Logic is stood by the counter laying out all the ingredients. With a smile plastered on my face and my hearting beating with excitement, I make my way over to him.


He looks to me, handing me an apron. "Salutations Patton. You ready to do some baking?"

"You bet!"

"I will not bet on anything. Gambling can become an addiction and that is not good, nor healthy."

I simply smile at this. Even though some people may take the fact that Logic takes everything literally as annoying, I don't mind it; I like it. It's different, unique - and what's not to like about that? "It's like a phrase or saying"

"Right. I shall add that to my vocabulary cards afterwards. Anyways, I've already measured out all of the ingredients, as you can see, because I know you find that part boring."

"Aw, so thoughtful. Thanks"

"No worries, Pat". I smile even more at the nickname. "Now, would you like to pour and mix the first lot of ingredients?"

I nod. "Please, if that's alright."

"Of course, go for it." He hands me the bowl and I do what he said. After a few minutes I'm done and so I hand the bowl back to him.

"You can do the second lot."

"Oh. Alright." He takes the bowl and pours and mixes the remaining ingredients. Once that is over and done with, we make cookie shapes with the batter and put them onto trays. I make sure to save a bit for Anxiety because I know he lives to have some and I sneak a bit too but Logic makes sure I don't have too much or give too much to Anxiety so we don't get ill. He then puts one tray of cookies in the oven and I put the other tray in. "Ok, now that they are in and baking, let's tidy up what we don't need."

"Okie dokie!". He nods and starts washing the bowls whereas I put away the milk, eggs, butter, flour, etc.

When it came to putting away the final thing, the flour, I stand on my tippy toes to reach th top shelf but my hand slips and the flour falls - covering not only myself, but Logic and the floor too. "Aha, woops. My bad. Sorry. I'll go clean it up."

Logic chuckles and spins me around so I'm facing him. I blush a little at how close we are because of the lack of room in the kitchen. "Christ, what are you like? Come here". He brings me forward a bit more, deepening my blush, and gets a towel. With the towel he brushes the flour off of the both of us. "There." However he th n goes ahead and boops my nose with some flour.

I blush even more at this if possible at this point but giggle and wipe it off. "Thanks." I head to the cupboard under the stairs to grab a dustpan and brush to clean up the mess on the floor. Once that is done, I put it away and sit on the counter Infront of Logic who is leaning against the opposite counter and facing me. "They smell amazing, I'm sure they'll turn out great."

"As am I" Logic replies, adjusting his glasses.

"Thanks for baking them with me Logi!"

"My pleasure. It's the least I can do. And no matter how many times you try to tell me that I don't have to do anything to it up to you, I still feel like I do so I shall."

"Well," I sigh but still smiling at how kind he is trying to be. "Since I can't change that, I'll have to comply but know it isn't necessary"

"Alright. Oh, and going back to the name 'Logi'. You saying it a few moments ago reminded me that I was meaning to ask you about it. Care to elaborate?"

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