chapter fifteen | NIGHT SCHOOL

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She stumbled up, and no more than two seconds later, Stiles and Scott were barreling in. They took in the sight of scattered books and tables with hesitance before their eyes found Nara, who was trying her best to hide the fact that she was utterly terrified.

"I smell blood!" Scott said, not giving her a moment before he was lifting part of her shirt. She winced as the cloth brushed over the injury, her eyes hesitantly looking down to inspect. There were five light scratch marks on her side. It wasn't deep enough to cause significant bleeding but you could see the small specks rising to the surface.

She pulled her shirt out of his grip, mumbling that she was fine and moving towards Stiles, who was looking around with confusion etched all over his face.

"It's attacked you twice but hasn't killed you." He said more to himself than Nara or Scott. Scott took a deep breath, his eyes going to the doors lying idly and off the hinges across the hall. That must've been the crash we heard, he thought.

"It didn't attack me at the video store." Nara stuttered, following Scott's gaze. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah-but it still had the opportunity."

"Don't sound so disappointed!" She snapped, but her mind kept returning to the unknown, the unknown that scared it away.

"You know that's not what I-your nose is bleeding." He trailed off as a growl echoed in the distance...

Nara's eyes widened as she reached up, pulling her fingers back to see blood on them. She looked around the room before spotting a tissue box on the check-in counter.

"We need to find somewhere without windows," Stiles said, changing the subject as she pressed a tissue to her nose.

"Every single room in this building has windows!" Scott exclaimed.

"Somewhere with fewer windows!" She said, an idea crossing Scott's face.

She wished that she could be more helpful but her head was really starting to hurt.

"The locker room."

After she grabbed her backpack and put it around both of her shoulders, they carefully made their way to the other side of the building, the boys filling her in on all that'd happened on their end in a giant whisper-ramble.

Derek's dead? Deaton might be said Alpha? The beast tore the battery out of Stiles' jeep?

She barely processed any of their words. All she could think about was that moment. Tears pricked her eyes and she closed them, trying to think of a safe haven.

She saw her mom sitting at her easel, painting a picture of her. She never really understood why painting her had always made her mom happy, but her happiness had made Nara happy.

She squeezed her eyes together tightly before opening them and realizing that they'd made it into the locker room, Scott and Stiles arguing about what to do.

"That could work. We go outside, get the keys off his body-guh-and, then we take his car.."

"And him."

"Fine, whatever."

They were about to head back out the door when Scott grabbed their arms.

"I think I heard something," he whispered.


"Be quiet,"

They saw a shadow in the door and started backing away, Stiles panicking and getting into a locker. She followed in suit as Scott cursed them before getting into a locker of his own. Footsteps sounded, and she instinctively put a hand over her mouth.

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