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The next morning Clay and I are woken up by Logan jumping up and down on my bed. "Wake up you two!" He yells. "Fuck off Logan!" I grunt grabbing his ankle pulling it forward sending him flying face first into the wall. "Fuck!" He yells pushing himself off the wall and repositioning himself so he's sitting in between Clay and I.

"You're so lucky I caught myself and didn't break my nose." He pouts. "Go away." I hiss. "Are you naked?" Logan gasps looking at Clay. "No." He grunts. "Don't forget I'm The Killer and aren't above punching a 16 year old." He threatens giving my brother the evils.

"Yeah whatever. Anyways, listen I need a favour from you both." Logan waves him off. "Dad's has gone to meet with some lawyer then has to go to work and I've invited Emmy over so I need you two to scatter."

"You woke us up early for this shit." I grumble punching his arm. "It's like 11." He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Now get out." I order pointing to the door. "Not until you both agree not to be here tonight." He states crossing his arms like a child. "Fine." Clay grunts. "Perfect. Love you!" Logan yells crawling out of the bed and running out of the room.

"You should've punched him." I sigh rolling over into Clays arms. "I'm not going to punch your brother." He chuckles pulling me closer. "Do you still want to go to Tonys today?" I yawn rubbing my eyes on his bare shoulder. "Yeah." He mumbles. "I don't want to get up." I groan as Clay starts wriggling underneath me. "Me either but I've gotta piss." He chuckles kissing my head.


One hour later Clay and I are standing outside an average looking home that is apparently Tonys. "I wasn't expecting this." I say as Clay opens the door. "What were you expecting? A mansion?" He laughs. "Actually yes." I state looking at the décor which is just, normal. "Tony!" Clay shouts walking into the living room where Tony is lazing on an arm chair.

"I was wondering when you'd get here." He sighs putting the foot rest down. "What the fucks going on?" Clay asks flopping onto the sofa. I quickly sit down next to him not wanting to be the only one standing.

"I just need you to do these two fights then you're done."

"That didn't answer my question."

"Alright I'll get straight to the point. Patrick came to see me last night. He said he had been talking to Declan and if I didn't get you to fight his man Psycho, whoever the hell that is, he would either make Dec get back on drugs or kill him."

"What the fuck?" I shout leaning forward while Clay seems to have frozen in place. "I know Kenz." Tony sighs sadly. "If it was just the drugs I would've told him to fuck right off but when he threatened to kill him i knew I had to agree." Tears filling Tonys eyes.

"But you said I had to win the fight before Christmas." Clay finally speaks. "We all know you'll beat whoever you face. I just said that for the crowd." Tony replies. "Fine. But then I'm done." Clay states standing up and stomping out of the house.

"Look after him?" Tony asks me wiping the few tears that spilled out of his eyes. "Always." I answer giving Tony a quick hug before heading out the house. Clay is leaning in the passenger door looking through the glove box for something.

"What are you looking for?" I ask walking up next to him. "These." He mutters holding up a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Don't even bother telling me not to smoke." He spits out the moment my mouth opens. "I was actually going to ask if I could have one too but whatever." I mutter.

"You want a smoke?" He asks surprised. "Since when did you smoke?" He asks when I nod. "Since always. I just never smoked in front of you." I say snatching the pack out of his hand and pulling two smokes out and handing him one. He eyes me as he lights his then lights mine.

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