A Town Divided

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(A:N: just so ya know the grammar and punctuation and unnecessary spacing for the first couple of chapters may be a problem except for the last two chapters which I used Grammarly for and will use in future chapters I just couldn't go back and fix each chapter because it takes up to much time and I will lose interest so plz ignore the bad spacing and grammar, for now, try to focus on the storyline and characters this once you get to branded as nerds you should see some significant grammar improvements alright now to the story👇👇)

Gunshots could be heard from miles "KEEP FIRING!"Yelled The man who was hiding behind a tree using it as cover. Just as the other gunmen that followed suit also using the trees as cover.

The man that yelled peaked from his cover as he reloaded his state-issued handgun his heart was raising thumping hard in his chest his shoulders stiff his light brown Western-style hat with a metal insignia in the middle was slightly leaning forward this man was the sheriff.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE"!The sheriff ordered to his deputies they stopped their assault and took cover looking at the direction of the sheriff however the sheriff wasn't looking at his men he was looking around assessing the situation

*where did they go*his mind was racing with anxiety and questions "sheriff .... suspects seem to have fled!" One of his deputies Called interrupting his train of thought "Roberts, Johnson, on me Vincent, Harrison, you two cover us!".

The sheriff reappeared from behind the tree that he was using as cover keeping his gun aimed at the spot where the shooters were last seen and begin to slowly make his way there The woods were dark due to night hardly anything could be seen far away due to the woods being covered in dense fog.

The two deputies the sheriff called followed suit one on each side of the Sheriff tho still behind him slowly moving with their guns aimed at the spot while the other two deputies stayed behind and watched their six.

Fear was clouding the sheriff's mind even with flashlights he knew his men couldn't see a thing in these woods but he continued moving forward for the badge pinned to his brown overcoat meant he had a duty to protect this town.

"This is the Whitechapel sheriff's department come out with your hands up!"The Sheriff said suddenly gunshots were shot "SUSPECT SPOT...AHHH!"

Deputy Roberts fell to the ground causing deputy Johnson to start retaliating fire however he was shooting thin air "I CAN'T SEE THEM SHERI...AHHHH"! The deputy was shot dead "JOHNSON?"The Sheriff Yelled suddenly a loud bang was heard the sound of a cannon far off into the distance in the direction where the sheriff had told the other two deputies to stay put.

The sheriff reached for walkie-talkie attached on his shoulder"Vincent? Harrison? What in the hell was that.....AHHH"!The sheriff fell to the ground in agony dropping his gun in the process he grabbed his side and winced feeling gushy liquid he had been shot The sheriff groaned as he leaned against a tree holding his side he looked down he was losing blood "Vincent Harrison what's your twenty?" he called on the walkie-talkie.

However, all that replied was static "Don't bother calling sheriff no one can hear you !"Stepping out of the fog was a male he was young wearing all black jacket and pants he had curly hair his face stretched due to his smirking "hello dad !..or should I say stepdad?" The teenager folded his arms smirking down at his weak helpless Stepfather "Donovan...??? !" The sheriff's mouth was a gap he couldn't believe his eyes "Surprised to see me, old man??

"Well, I'm not surprised you were always the brave little hero I also heard you got a new family now that's funny because when my mom died you neglected me !" He said with disgust.

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