MUST READ:Plot Fast Forward

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Alright so here's the deal this story does have a lot of characters but remember the main character is Drake but there's also gonna be sub-main characters like Luna and Nate and as well as four others because of *Spoiler Alert* drake is gonna need friends to defeat the evil basically a pack but not just any pack. A pack, unlike anyone, has ever seen.

There's also Zack and Gabriel who are also important characters but they serve as a spotlight on how the status is in the high school and they also serve as emotional support and hardship within the story. There's also gonna be many antagonists because it's kinda like a teen wolf, sleepy hollow and the great Riverdale, format and a little of Glee just without the'll see in this next chapter that's when I bring it all together.

I won't be using any characters from any show, movie or anything I might reference some things but never use anything I wanna own everything I come up with and make so I ain't copying however as you will see in the upcoming chapters Imma use a couple of storylines from my favorite shows just keep a lookout now back to what I was saying.

I'm gonna make a book just for character information where you can go and see about important teachers and side characters that are gonna show up here and there because they are at school mostly also there's gonna be a few sexual scenes to try and see how people react to it just make out sessions I didn't really wanna get too into sex this early in the story when things are already confusing as it is.

Another thing is that we're gonna get deeper into Gabriel and Zack's relationship and the angst of trying to remain a happy gay couple and popular at the same time with drake disrupting things it causes problems with zacks popularity which means he won't be able to keep protecting his boyfriend, Gabriel which was the reason he became captain of the football team in the first place Fyi I'm not a gay relationship expert so If any member of the LGBT community in Plz dm me and guide me on what you guys have to go through.

Lastly, I know it's a lot but I promise I won't make it crowded I'm gonna take it slow and write each person the best I can while keeping the focus on the important characters and the storyline just know there will be a lot of supernatural and teenage drama action going forward.

Now in the story, we never stop to see how their first day or high school went well drake got jumped and beat up helping a kid who was getting his head pushed into the toilet by the hockey team he was pretty bruised up it took a while for a teacher to come in the bathroom to break it up but the worst part is the teacher looked at him and told him he is where he belongs and spits on him so that night instead of meeting up with his godfather drake went for a walk to let off some steam since his mom was still mourning his father's in the house and he didn't wanna be selfish he went into the woods where he accidentally finds the cave with the sword in it.

He basically doesn't remember anything after that but the next chapter will be the next morning when he starts noticing weird abilities and so does his two best friends luna and Nate now your all caught up.👍👍👍

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