The jungle

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"Finally we're here we made it can't wait for you ungrateful youngsters to get off my bus!" The bus driver said sighing in relief.

Drake stood up slowly and what he saw was simply mesmerizing there it was the great beautiful building of Education named Whitechapel high. Drake was simply speechless at how historic it looked while giving off a modern upgrade vibe it was just amazing he really couldn't believe he was really gonna be learning in the famous building.

"It looks bigger than the pictures online and a bit different!"Luna said amazed at the historic school she spent all summer researching.

"It was recently renovated over the summer!"Gabe said looking as if the school was a regular thing but he gave a genuine smile his eyes began tearing up a bit drake wondered if this was how harry potter felt when he first saw Hogwarts.

"Um...Are you ok bro?".Nate asked Gabe who was wiping his eyes "Yeah it's just this was the place where I discovered my true self and where I met zack and fell in love sorry!" He said sniffing while Nate was nodding giving drake a look which translated to *someone's emo*.

Drake just ignored his friend and kept staring at the new school he could call his as the bus pulled in the front of the school and came to a stop.

The bus stopped in the front of the school due to the police making a barrier blocking off TV and news reporters who were desperate to talk to Drake and his brother zack.

The doors opened and everyone started getting off the bus while luna waited for drake and Nate to get up. She followed behind them making sure to wave a thank you and a bye at the bus driver she was really a goody-two-shoes after all and she was proud.

When they stepped off the bus the fresh air seemed to be filled with much excitement and an aura of fun and learning which was as drake says very litful.

(Litful- a made-up word that means something is very lit came up with it myself😁👍🇺🇸)

Drake just stood there soaking it all in that this was the beginning of a new chapter he turned to Nate who had the very same expression of excitement. They both began to move forward to get a closer look at the impressive building but however, something or someone pulled the hoodies on their jacket's stopping them mid-walk.

"Woah Woah Woah where do you two dorks think you're going?" It was the very same jock who tried bullying them on the bus apparently he wasn't done but this time he was surrounded by his other jock friends who seemed to echo his bully sentimentality.

"Don't touch me, man, what's your problem?".Drake asked angrily he then pushed the boy away from him and Nate"Yeah dude what's your problem?" Nate added hiding right behind drake.

"My problem is that this isn't middle school this is Whitechapel and your fresh meat it's a time you learned your place on the food chain!".The boy said smirking popping his knuckles.

"Easy dude let's just be one with nature all this negative energy is making Mr.cringie uncomfortable!" Johnny said rubbing his cheek against his dead crow cuddling it which didn't make the situation any better. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you stupid dorks?" The jock asked getting annoyed and angrier by the minute it seemed.

"Plz don't mind them they were just dropped on their heads when they were little!" Luna said trying to help the two boys before the situation got violent. But what the jock said next would only make the situation worse.

"Hey sweetness how about I give you a personal tour of the auditorium?" The jock asked seductively winking at luna which caused her stomach to feel sick she heard about what a "Tour of the auditorium" meant.

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