She-wolf in the Hen House

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It was organized chaos in the sacred hallways of Whitechapel high as everyone was in a hurry to get into the cafeteria some putting stuff in their lockers some grabbing stuff out of the lockers.

Drake, luna, and Nate however just stood there mid-hallway mind blown by all the information they just received from luna's aunt who's a witch.

The three friends were about to head towards the cafeteria when all three of them were shoved against the lockers Drake and Nate by jock athletes and luna by a cheerleader.

The jocks surrounded the three and formed a circle around them they all had what looked to be plastic foam cups with big gulp labels on them they all were filled with red slushies.

(AG: like this but just using it as an example)

(AG: Imagine luna drake and Nate in the middle instead of the wheelchair kid yes I know his name is Artie)

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(AG: Imagine luna drake and Nate in the middle instead of the wheelchair kid yes I know his name is Artie)

One of the jocks moved luna aside while the rest threw the red flavored slushies unto Drake and Nate. "Welcome to Losertown population you." One of the jocks said which was the same jock that bullied him on his first day however he wasn't surrounded by just his hockey team this time some of the football team joined in as well to slushie drake and Nate.

The cheerleader who was the head cheerleader and most popular girl in school threw her slushie in luna's face which caused luna to gasp in horror as her outfit and hair were ruined. Bystanders were just looking at the scene unfold most of them laughed while some quickly walked away hoping they didn't get the same for Drake, luna, and Nate were just slushied.

For everyone knows and for those who didn't they knew now that being slushied was a mark of shame it meant to the whole school that they were officially losers and drake didn't like it one bit.

He launched at the boys but it was nine of them against him and well Nate was busy voluntarily pulling out crumbled up lunch money from his pockets and offering it to the jocks so it was just drake against nine jocks.

He punched away getting one good hit in before the others jumped him overpowering him with punches and kicks to the gut as he was thrown to the ground but what was weird was how the light bulbs in the school lights in the ceiling above them were flickering weirdly. With every punch and kick, that Drake was receiving it seemed the lights flickered as if the electricity itself was responding to the boy's pain.

The assault continued until one of the teachers, stopped it however it was the same teacher that smirked and spat on Drake yesterday when he stopped them in the guy's restroom. "Mr.Asher that's quite enough we don't tolerate that silly foolishness here." The Stone-faced teacher said.

(AG: I know I shouldn't show any pics of characters that aren't mainly because it seems too crowded but this guy I have to show he's like the Snape of this series.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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