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( I know it's a lot going on but bear with me it will all make sense this plz comment about characters and such)

Darkness tends to linger where hope seems to be failing therefore it is essential that we never lose hope. -Drake asher

Two men were standing in Infront of a cave that had just been blown into revealing a pathway. It was the two deputies that were supposed to watch Sheriff Asher and their fellow deputies back however they left the men behind escaping quietly to find this cave.

"It looks like someone's already been here, Steve!"Said the deputy with a pump-action shotgun the deputy that stepped over the rubble of stones clicking on his flashlight while pulling out his pistol he began looking around.

"Cmon we really don't have much time !"The deputy with the flashlight was Steven joiner, Harrison, he began walking deeper into the cave "what you mean we don't have much time?"Said the other deputy with the shotgun who followed suit.

Steven stopped in his tracks and turned around to slap the other man *wham* "Ow wtf man what was that for!"Steven shook his head "The others will come looking for us we're two deputies that fled during the line of duty you idiot now we have to get the package and meet the boss at the rendezvous point!"Steven said pulling out two walkie-talkies outta his backpack and handing one to him.

"Let's split up so we can cover more ground!" Steve said."In a freaking cave??"Derek asked his voice actually breaking from the rate his heart was beating "Derek this isn't the time to be getting cold feet fifty grand is at stake!".

Steven put the backup back on and he turned around began going into a tunnel to the left "Just great two White men splitting up in a cave!" Said Derek who was left behind he began walking straight gun at the ready flashlight attached to the gun he was nervous his hands trembling.

Steven pov:
Steven blew a breath of frustration he was starting to hate this cave already but as long as he was getting paid he wasn't complaining.

A noise echoed throughout the tunnel Steve turned around flashing his flashlight towards where the noise came from only to find nothing he circled back around about to continue down the tunnel when something above him made a flapping sound Steven instantly turned his flashlight upwards suddenly causing swarms of bats to fly at him fleeing from the light causing steven to panic firing his gun outta fear that he would be bitten.

Suddenly the ground underneath him collapsed allowing gravity to do its job and pull Steven into the hole he fell within the hole landing on the stoned ground.

Steven groaned as he slowly got to his feet dusting himself off he looked around on the ground and picked up his flashlight shining it around realizing he had fallen to some secret old underground dungeon he seen a very bright white light in the distance down a dark corridor.

Steven couldn't take his eyes off the white light in the distance it was almost like it was calling him he couldn't help himself he dropped his gun his backpack off his shoulders as if he was in a trance he began walking forward down the dark corridor until he made it to the end.

Out of the ground, a stone stood, however, this stone was of a different material it was a glowing crystal-like silver and at the top in the center was something sticking outta it shinning the bright white light source he scrunched his eyes it looked like the Handle of a sword.

Steven could feel the heat radiating from the stone despite the sword handle giving off no such heat he was about to touch it when he heard a slithering noise as if something was sliding against the ground he turned around and his eyes locked on a giant snake its height must have been around 50 feet tall.

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