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Chapter three | Beginning.

Louis' POV

He pushed my books to the floor and with a sigh I bent down.

As I grabbed my book his foot kicked it back to the floor. He grabbed my colar and held me up against the lockers.

"Fag," he smirked.

"W-what do y-you want?" I stuttered nervously.

"It's that time of day." He said.

"I-I can't. Not t-today." I stuttered shaking my head.

"Why not?" He said through gritted teeth.

"I-I c-cant miss class today." I said. His face turning red.

"You can. And you will." He snarled.

"No, Harry!" I said finding the courage but instantly regret it because as soon as I did his fist came in contact with my left eye.

He let go of me as my knees gave out I slid down the locker. He turned, walked all over my books turning his head one last time.

"Don't scream at me." He paused. "Worthless faggot."


"Mr. Tomlinson. Late." Mrs, Toscano grimaced and raised an eyebrow.

"S-sorry." I  stuttered making my way over to an empty seat.

Mrs. Toscano continued on with the lecture.

The guy next to me tapped my shoulder. I turned my head and he smiled.

"Whats up with your face?" He asked.

"What- Oh- it's nothing." I shrugged.

"Whatever you say Mr. Tomlinson. I'm Brandon by the way, just got here." He held his pale hand out and I shook it with a smile.

"Louis." After that we turned back to Mrs. Toscano. The whole time I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched.


"Louis, hold up!" Brandon shouted finally reaching my locker.

"Hey," I smiled putting my books in my locker.

"Hi, so are you gonna join me in the cafeteria?" He grinned.

"I will-" I was cut off by the one and only.

"-Not." He finished my sentence flashing a fake smile Brandon's way.

"Who are you?" Brandon asked confused.

"Why do you care?" Harry crossed his arms.

"T-This is H-Harry." I stuttered shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

"Oh hi, nice to meet yo-" Brandon was cut off.

"Save it." Harry snarled. "Go away now will you."

"Uhm, I guess I'll see you later, Louis." He said confused and jogged away.

"Where were we?" He smirked holding me up against the locker.

He took a good look at my bruised eye and his smirk faded. He shook his head and his usual smirk reappeared.

"Can we do it now?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I d-don't f-feel like it," I frowned.

He sighed frustrated. "After school then?" He mumbled.

"O-okay," I nodded. He nodded and brought his lips up to my ear. "And about that Brandon guy, stay away from him, you're mine." He let go of me and walked quickly out of sight.

And that's the story of  how I became his property. The end.


That was only the beginning.

hypocrite || larry stylinson mpreg au ✨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt