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2 weeks later...

Chapter eight | He.

Louis' POV

Harry and I haven't talked for two weeks now, which I'm totally fine with. He's an asshole and I've gotten over my little crush.

I've seen him a few times in the library. I only go there once a week like I've been doing since eleventh grade.

I've only seen him about four times.

The first time, he was talking to that Jordan kid. The second time, he ignored me, the third time he was vomiting in the trash can, probably hungover. The fourth he looked at me and just stared at me until I got tired of it and looked at him. He immediately looked down.

I don't know what's wrong with him.

I'm in the library now. Looking through the sci-fi books.

As I walk down the aisle I stop in my tracks at the familiar voice.

"Tell him." Jordan suggests to Harry, I'm guessing.

"He hates me, Jay." Harry grunted.

"Your moping around is getting you no where, Haz!"

I shouldn't be eavesdropping. I walk back in the opposite direction and grab a random book.

Who's he?

Is 'he' me?

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