ch 5 (filler)

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Chapter six | Take over me.

Harry's POV

It seems like it all happened so quickly.

My mom thinks I'm gay which I might be, don't get your hopes up though.

Louis didn't stutter, had too much confidence- or maybe I just had too little confidence at the time.

Now he's gone.

I keep trying to fall asleep but seems like I'm incapable of doing so.

The tears just won't stop.

Tears because I'm confused, I'm mad at Louis, I'm mad at myself and sad that Louis is mad at me which just doesn't make sense to me.

My mom came in and sat next to me. "Hey," she smiled sympathetically.

"What do you want now?" I whined covering my tear stained face.

"Harry, what's up with you lately? You don't seem like yourself anymore." She frowned.

"People change." I sighed.

"Not you, Harry. You were so happy and nice, now you scream at almost everything, you've been so distant. And so moody," She said, worry etched across her face.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"Is it about that Louis boy?" She asked.

"Don't say his name. Not right now."

She sighed and nodded.

"Guess who's visiting next weekend?" She smiled trying to cheer me up.

"Who?" I sighed.

"Gemma," she smiled.

I just nodded.

"Get some sleep, alright?" She kissed my cheek and stood up from my bed walking out.


If only.


Hormonal, Moody!! You know what I'm getting at right? ;) x

× Hazzyandloubear ×

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