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Chapter four | Denial isn't good for the heart.

Harry's POV

After school I waited in my car for Louis. He came in and got in. He looked really nervous, I guess its because I've only took him to my house once and my parents weren't home.

"Stop being nervous, Louis." I muttered as I started the car.

He nodded but continued on with a nervous demeanor.

We reached my house which was quite big. We got out and I walked in front as he followed behind.

"I'm in the kitchen!" My mom called. I mentally groaned but walked into the kitchen and greeted her.

"Oh and who is this?" She asked eyeing Louis.

"Louis this is my mom, mom this is Louis."

"Oh dear that bruise, let me see, come sit." She gestured for him to sit on a stool by the island. He looked to me for reassurance and I nodded.

"Come upstairs when you're ready to start our homework." I winked and left upstairs.

I grabbed my laptop and searched up ga- straight porn because what else am I going to do?

        17minutes later

Louis finally came in and stood by the door awkwardly.

"Close the door," He obeyed closing it. "Sit here." I pat the seat next to me keeping my eyes glued to the screen. As soon as he sat down next to me I shut the computer and placed it on the nearby nightstand.

I pushed his back down against the bed and hovered over him.

I kissed his neck and brought my lips to his ear.

"Why are you nervous?.... Do I make you nervous?" I whispered.

I brought our lips together and kissed him roughly.

"Honey, you-" my mom stood there with wide eyes and closed the door. "Sorry," she giggled.

"Fuck," I muttered and removed my body from Louis' opening the door, to run after my mom. She's going to think I'm gay.

I'm not.

I'm not gay.

I'm straight.



Harry got off of me and ran out the room door to run after his mom.

I sat up and walked wearily down the steps to where Harry and his mom were having an argument.

"Its okay if you are-" she said.

"I'm not!" He shouted.

"But if you are. Honey, you were kissing him, that seems pretty-"

"I'm not gay! I don't like him! He's a faggot, mom!" He shouted. He noticed my presence and approached me.

"You. This is all your fault." He snarled.

"Me?" I shot back. Is he really blaming me? Really?!

"Yes, you-" he pushed me roughly. "-you faggot."

"Get over yourself, Harry." I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. He can't seriously be blaming me.

"Fuck you," he pushed me back, I backed away eventually hitting a wall.

"I'm not gay." His perfectly pale skin became pink.

"Tell that to your penis." I shot back and that only made him more angry.

"Just 'cos I have sex with you doesn't mean I'm gay, I'm straight... You're such a faggot, you know that, a worthless, ugly faggot." He muttered poking me on the chest.

"Harry." His mum warned.

"You know," he paused and laughed. "Everyone hates you, cause you're just a faggot. That's why you have no friends." He squinted his eyes. "I'm not gay, mom." He stated not breaking eye contact.

"Okay, I believe you." She said looking a little worried.

"You don't scare me anymore." I chuckled. "I may be a faggot but you're a coward. You're scared of being you," I poked his chest back. "Go on keep pretending. But we all know you're gay." I shook my head in disgust.

I don't know where the courage came from but I'm tired of him treating me like shit.

"Go ahead punch me again since you're such a tough guy." I snarled. He didn't move, simply stayed still.

"Yeah," I smiled. "That's what I thought." I pushed passed him and frowned to his mum. "You have a lovely home, thank you." She nodded sympathetically.

"Bye, honey." I walked towards the door and opened it stepping into the cool outside.

Well, guess I'm walking home.

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