The plan

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You're really a n g e r y. Bakugo literally spit in your face. Your self-esteem is super low since that day.

Well. One thing you're sure about: You don't like Katsuki anymore.

You enter class and don't even bother looking at him. Just smelling him makes you feel like sticking fries into your nostrils and mouth until you can't breath and die. You know he treats everyone like that, but still, geez. He didn't even fight and dared telling you this crap. You need to take revenge. A wickedly wicked revenge. One that will make him fear you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You let out a shrieks of fiendish laughter. « I will find his crush identity and tell him I know who it is. If he underestimates me again...I'll make him pay. » You grin and rub your hands together. « That's not very heroic...Well what Katsuki said wasn't very heroic either. »

You rush to Ochaco during lunch.
She scream and slaps you.
-Oh shit! Sorry, reflex!
-We need to find Bakugo's crush. Within two weeks. I ain't gonna wait forever.
-You're talking like you're from the getto.
-YOU'RE the one from the getto. Anyways, we really need to find out! We need a plan.
Ochaco thinks for a moment. After a couple of time, she raises her index and a lightbulb appears besides her face.
-Oops, my bad! says Momo before heading out of the cafeteria.
Uraraka tells you that's she has a wonderful idea, but it's probably going to destroy her reputation.
-What? You don't need to do it! you tell her.
-It's fine. And maybe it'll make Izuku stop liking me. Annoying broccoli.
You're surprised.
-I was sure you liked him too, not gonna lie.
-Yes, but I can't afford dates and Valentine gifts and all that shit. So I prefer staying single fo now.
-Anyways, I'm going to do it tomorrow! I'll text you what happened.
-Can you tell me what it i-
Ochaco leaves before you finish your sentence. Guess you'll discover soon enough anyways.

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