N/ * means their texting.
Not fully edited

|Victoria's Pov|

"Elena, you need help." I shake my head, getting my books out of my locker.

"I do not" she pouts, throwing her arms in the air "he's just so sexy!"

"Shhh, people are looking." I sigh "Just go talk to him already. It's been two years and you still won't talk to the boy. You won't know if he likes you unless you ask. Or ... I could do all the work." I wink.

"Ugh, no. Your always trying to play matchmaker but you can't do that to yourself."

She's right, I'm always setting people up together but I can't do that to myself. The cards just don't work with me if that makes any sense. I had two boyfriends my whole life. It's not that I'm ugly or anything , because I'm not but when you meet these boys at my school you would feel the same as me. I would say I'm one of the 'popular girls' as weird as that sound. Unlike most popular girls I don't make people feel like shit to get what I want, and I don't have fake blondes following me around. I'm nothing like that at all, I guess I'm called 'popular' because I'm pretty or whatever. Just because I am 'popular' I won't be a bitch to people who aren't one to me.

"True. But El, there's like 15 loyal guys in our grade. Most are not my type."

"Who said they had to be in our gr-"

"Hey Vicky." Somebody cut off Elena.

"Vicky is only what my friends call me." I say. I don't even have to look who it is, over the years, I've memorized his voice. I used to like him but he turned into a player second year of high school. "And your not my friend."

"Ow, that was mean Vick."

"Stop with the nicknames." Annoyed is not even close to how I feel "what do you want Zack?"

"A date." he cocky responds. I stop walking causing him to run into me.

Turning around to look at him for the first time since he started talking to me, I search his eyes making sure this isn't one of his sick games. "A date?" I repeat.

"Yeah," he rubs the back of his neck as if he's nervous "I mean like, you know. A movie? or we could go to the mall ... You like shopping right? I've never seen you there and I'm always there. There's this fair that just opened ... We could go to that or-"

"Yeah. Okay, the fair is fine." I laugh lowly, not knowing when I had a change in mood. "When?"


"Pick me up at eight. If your more than an hour late, I'm not going." I said and walked away leaving a laughing Elena and smirking zack.

Under a minute later, I was sitting math. Elena rushes in the class as the late bells ring and takes her seat next to me.

"You so like zack again!" I heard Elena say but I ignored her.

"I know you can hear me, your face is red." I pull my head down so my black hair can cover my face.

"No it's not. And I don't like him, he's a player." I say

"Then why did you say yes to the date?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

|Teddy's Pov|

I was laying on my stomach in my bed doing my homework when my phone lit up and music sounded through my room. Figuring it was only my dad, I decided not to look at it. He most likely ran out of beer and wants me to be his legs.

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