Hiding My Feelings

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I was listening to the guys talk in the kitchen and they were talking about when they went to Uni and banged girls... I was smiling at first and then Miles started to talk about one girl that he would like to see again... I know he's had girls and relationships before me but the way he was talking sounded like he missed her and wanted to see her again......

I stood up and walked silently to my room... I did feel jealous and to be honest I wanted to cry.

Miles sounded so happy talking about a past girlfriend and then I remembered we made a deal to go our separate ways when we got home... We only got one more day and we go home......

I got in bed and turned the light out and laid on my side... I was crying but just tears only...... I need to get back and do my job I have so much work... I closed my eyes and my pillow was getting wet from my tears... Someone knocked on my door and I did not say a word... They opened the door and then closed it again... I know it was Miles......


The light was coming into my room and I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling... I slowly got up and limped to the bathroom and showered as best as I could because my leg was still in a waterproof bandage... I brushed my teeth and limped down to the kitchen and prepared breakfast and sat eating mine and then checked my emails...

I carried on doing some work... I did not want to speak to Miles I just wanted to cool down from what I heard Miles say...

I had paper in front of me and started to draw plans for a client...... I even rang Isaac and spoke to him...

"I'm starting that now and I hope it will be finished"... I say to Isaac...

"They wanted to meet with you, and I've scheduled an appointment for nine Monday morning". Isaac says......

"I'll be back on Saturday... Could you try and fit Mr hardgreeves in... He sent me an email requesting to see me about the plans for his new house". I sip my coffee and carry on drawing on the paper in front of me.

"You could fit him in at three on Monday". My assistant Isaac says.

"What have I got at lunch?". I ask and Miles walks into the kitchen not looking incredibly happy... I roll my eyes and look away from him...

"Mr Jennings wanted a lunch meeting at one on Monday". Isaac replies...

"Okay... You better reserve a table at the restaurant that Mr Jennings likes". I say and Miles sits at the table with his coffee...

"I've already done that". Isaac adds...

"Isaac what would I do without you... I'll speak to you later when I got this design finished". I say and hang up... I carry on looking at the paper and vigorously move my pencil around...

I did not want to look at Miles... I could feel him staring at me...



I knew Kia heard everything I said last night because she was ignoring me, and she would not look at me... I just did not think about what I was saying. I was having a casual talk with the guys and got lost in the moment.

"Kia you are meant to be resting". I say and she does not look at me...

"I am". She says and carries on drawing...

"Kia that does not look like you are resting". I say and stand up... She stands up and picks her bits up and limps to her room... Her leg was still hurting her because she had a limp. I need to talk to her and apologise for last night......

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