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-Taehyungs pov-

Is wanting to ruin a relationship bad? Especially if sad relationship is bound to go to shit anyways?

The thing is, I know two people's secrets. There's this girl who's probably in love with this guy. She doesn't think anyone sees her sneaking off to another wing of the dorms, neither does she think anyone sees her when she enters a certian someone's room.

She probably thinks they haven't made it official in public because he's shy and the sweet type to want to take things slow. Probably waiting for him to grab her hand on the way to class or something mushy to show that she's his and he's hers. Ha.

There was one more secret that I know, right? Right. And that's that the guy actually has somewhat of a girlfriend and that's not the girl we were talking about earlier. Nah, that's just his side piece. His actual girlfriend is the one that all of his friends and family already know about. The one he met about a year ago and constantly brags on because of how pretty and talented/ athletic like him she is. 

You learn a lot being the observant type. Yeah I'm always up for a good conversation, but nothing says more than people's actions.
By his actions I can tell that he shouldn't care much if I were to take one of them from him.

I'm not going to tell her, that would just mess things up and throw me in the middle. It makes more sense to me to let his actions continue to speak for themselves and then take advantage of whatever comes from that.

So maybe wanting to ruin someones relationship is bad, but that doesn't have anything to do with me. I'm just observant.

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