I'm being watched

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Thursday, August 22 2019.

I'm being fucking watched, and right now as I'm typing this, I hear a noise in the Hall way.

It's sounds like they bumped into the wall or something. I really don't want to look, besides EVERYONE IS SLEEPING!. So that means it dark, and there's no light.

The noise stopped.

Plus I hear only one cricket.

The cricket stopped, and- now i hear foot steps...i was about to say that it's quite but NOPE.
And every time I say quite, thanks when I hear things.

Holy shit..... I feel it's coming closer. And it sounds like like it's coming frome the kitchen and hallway. 

And now my hand and shoulder hurts.

I'm not evening fucking joking, it's fucking 3:16. It's right fucking in front of me...but I'm ignoring it. I'm not making ANY eye contact with, whatever this thing is.

Now I'm hearing scratching in the hallway.

And this is actually happening, you didn't have to to believe me, but if you we're me right now, witch you really don't, you would want to fucking sleep.
And also I'm actually waiting for something to happen so that's why I am saying I hear this and that. It's because I'm waiting.

I hear something and foot steps in the fucking hallway, it's so fucking quite that you can hear a pin drop.

I think, I think... I am hearing whispering.
I really don't know.

Ok I looked, nothing , nothing was there, that just creepy dude.

Well I'm done if you have any questions tell me in comments
See you guys later.

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