i feel like I'm being watched

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Friday, October 4th 2019.

Before I tell you guys why I feel like I'm being watched I just wanted to say (even though its kinda late) October is here! Omg Halloween is coming up who is excited?!.

Now on with the story!

This happen two or three days ago, so it isn't that long, but it was like 9 or 11, it was dark outside and you couldn't see anything, so I turned the outside light on. And it was raining too, so i walked out said onto the deck. Just looking around, then my brother came outside and he was in the door way.

I asked him why he was outside he said that he was taking a bath.....
Don't ask me XD and when he was washing his hair with the rain. He said that he felt like he was being watched. And I did too so I told him let's just go inside then. So we did and I asked my older sister if she felt like she was being watched she said yea but I feel like it's coming from the  front yard.
And that's where me and my brother felt like we were being watched.

Yeah creepy.

I also wanted to say sorry for not posting (aka updating ) you guys on this. But I will try my best to update you guys if anything creepy or paranormal happens.

And it won't be a surprise if any paranormal activity is going on.

My house is haunted anyways and I seen some things move that really can't be moved unless someone picks it up. Or in this case dropping it on the floor.

Bye guys!

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