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"Everybody's earpieces in?"

Roddy stared at Kai's backside as the group walked out. The guard uniform was doing wonders for his back and he hadn't even realized. Shaking herself out of it, she waved to the group as they left the house, making their way to the bank.

She went into the viewing room, turning on the views of the streetlight cameras. This was usually Ziva's job, but Roddy couldn't fight today so they switched spots. She deleted all footage of them zooming down from the streetlight and nearby stores' cameras.

"Cameras are off. Begin." Roddy signalled, receiving a few responses of acknowledgment.

Roddy watched as Brody, dressed as an old man, had pretended to fall out of Ziva's Jeep. This caused commotion in the busy parking lot. Cale and Ziva swiftly knocked out the two patrolling guards, throwing them in the dumpster bin the back.

"Cale and I are in the clear." Ziva muttered, pretending to look around the bank establishment. Winslet entered the building, heading straight for the bathroom. She locked the door and popped one of the ceiling tiles up, allowing for her to crawl through the vent. With help from Kai, she popped off the A.C unit from the outside, allowing him in.

Winslet crawled back through the vents and into the bathroom in order to pretend like that was all she had come in for. The guards within the building eyed her, but didn't say anything of her. She walked out with a bit of a smirk on her face.

Raina was inside the bank, receiving training for her first day of work. She pushed the large rimmed glasses up her nose as she glanced around. She was posing as a girl named Linda, who Raina had earlier knocked out and stole the clothes of. She was behind the glass with the other bank workers.

Diego had snuck through the vents that Winslett and Kai opened up in order to reach the room with the computer in the back. He stuck a lock through the door, just in case he'd get some unexpected visitors.

"Is everyone clear?" Roddy received a multitude of yeah's. "While Diego takes his sweet little time ransacking the computer, I will amuse you all." Winslett groaned into the earpiece. "Kai, your ass looks very fine in those pants. Let me tell you how -"

"Roddy, please! He can hear you, y'know?" Ziva took a peek at the walking giant near her and saw a cheesy smile resting on Kai's face. He quickly straightened it out when he caught her looking.

"I know, that's what makes it even better." Sneaking one more glance, Ziva caught a baby pink hue spread over the mass of Kai's cheeks, the cheesy smile returning. It was not the time for Roddy to be flirting. They'd be home in an hour tops and Ziva knew Roddy could hold it in. "Is bad boy Kai, bwushing?" Roddy spoke into the earpiece with a baby voice, making the baby pink turn into a crimson red.

"I'm clear!" Diego exclaimed as he stuffed the two flash drives into his shoes. Ziva had purposely bought him shoes that were a size too big so he could fit them in there.

Diego climbed back up into the ceiling. He crawled out of the vents to an awaiting Cale and Winslett. He looked over the roof of the bank building and saw Brody, basking in the attention in the middle of the parking lot. He was doing a lot better than any of them thought he would.

"Keep it up, Brody! Ten more minutes is all they need." Roddy glanced at the smartboard and snickered. "Po-po is on the way! Five minutes is all they need."

Raina sat at the front, she had to find a way to plant the explosives around the front of the building. She pretended like she had to sneeze and went to grab a tissue. On the way, she dropped them on the floor.

"Hey, Miss! What is that?" One of the guards had unfortunately seen her drop one.

"Oops! Silly old me! It's a lollipop, would you like one?" The guard shook his head and kept patrolling. Raina dropped more, this time making sure no one was watching.

She headed to the bathroom and opened the tile directly above the toilet, climbing in and making her way through the vents. She landed on the outside with the rest.

By that point, the police had arrived. It would've been suspicious to have four people jump off the roof, so Brody decided to up his game.

Brody rolled up his sleeves.

He took off his pants.

"Woah! Suns out guns out, am I right ladies?" He spoke to a group of elderly women that were making their way into the thrift shop. He winked at them and caught them staring for a second too long.

" Uh, sir?" One of the police officers had asked, not too sure of how to approach the old man.

"Who're you callin' sir?" Brody punched him, causing for the other police to slowly turn over and see one of their own on the ground. Others ran to catch him, but trying to catch a former football player was not easy.

Cale, Winslett, Diego, and Raina jumped off the roof and into the dumpsters, where the two unconscious guards from earlier laid. They ran into Ziva's Jeep, awaiting for the final three to enter the car.

"Kai and Ziva? Guard the door until Brody enters the bank. Brody? Run into the women's bathroom, lock it, and go through the tile directly above the bathroom. Crawl through the vents and jump into the dumpster as quickly as possible. Ziva will come around with the Jeep.

Brody did as he was told. He made it past Kai and Ziva, who pretended to stop him. The guards inside wanted to know what the fuss was about,

It was too late.

Brody entered the bathroom and quickly locked the door. Kai and Ziva ran to the Jeep. Brody took off his inner padding to make him older and threw it on the ground. In doing this, the police would find the evidence of the "old man" dying, therefore not looking for him. He climbed through the vents and quickly jumped into the dumpster.

Ziva's Jeep came around, Brody quickly hopping onto the open sunroof. He sat there, admiring the sunset as Ziva drove away and the building behind them exploded.

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