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I've had school all week. uhhhhhhhh I've been up talking to Chase for a really long time. I don't care that I'm making them fight Vulture...Wait I think he died in Homecoming. (nvm he went to prison) well....i DoNt CaRe. I'm tired, I have a full day of school tomorrow and I wanna get to bed but I really like writing and I'm waiting for Chase to call me so I'm not going to bed AHhahHhAHh lol enjoy this ps iM a LiTtLe LoOpY hELp Me Im TiReD aF dUdE Also i feell kidna like I have a cold so REEEEEEE

"Peter, get over here!" Tony and Peter were in the middle of fighting Vulture. Peter was watching from a rooftop, waiting for Tony to call him over. He threw his web towards where he was headed.

Peter's POV

I heard Mr Stark call me over so I started my way over to him. I need to be honest, the last thing I remember was feeling like I was falling-which it always felt like that when I was swinging from my webs- and Mr Stark yelling my name.

Tony's POV

I called Peter over to me and watched as he swung over.

"Mr Stark, it appears that Peter is out of web flui-"

"AHHHHH!" I heard Peter scream followed by him falling to the ground. I raced over to him but he was already blacked out on the ground.

"PETEEEEERRRRR!" I picked him up bridal-style and flew to the closest hospital. Apparently, he had forgotten to refill his web-fluid and he ended up breaking his right ankle and right wrist. But you know, it could've been worse. He was out for a full day before he woke up.

Peter's POV

I opened my eyes to see Mr Stark pacing nervously around the room. I looked around trying to figure out where I was but I just couldn't think of anything. My vision was also really blurry.

"M-Mr Stark?" I said. My voice sounded croaky and weird.

"Oh, thank god you're still alive." I was really confused. What does he mean I'm still alive? Well, actually I know what he means by that but I'm just confused. 

"What happened, Mr Stark?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.

"You fell." He said.


"And broke your right ankle and wrist." I recalled what had happened before. I guess it's been a day since it happened. What the hell?

"Peter, for my sake, your sake, gods sake and for fucks sake, refill your fucking web-fluid."

the end!

||Peter Parker and Tony Stark|| DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now