Be there for me

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Dwayne's POV

Me:"you did this on purpose huh?"

I let her pick out our outfits and she pull this shit tryna get us to match but it's whatever (that's the outfit above)

Quin laughing:"aww how cute you gotta match yo girl can y'all come on so I won't be late to my game"

Lexus:"daddy it's too hot to stand outside all day"

Me:"it's not gunna be that long"

Quin:"how bout mom you take the girls and y'all go do whatever and Dwayne can come to my game"

Aniya:"you don't want me to come to your game"

Quin:"Naw not really you don't be knowing what's going on cheering for the wrong team and everything"

Aniya laughing:"whatever yall want to go to the nail shop"

Des and Lexus:"yes!!!"

I take a stack out my pocket and try and hand it to her

Aniya:"I got it"

Me:"take it go shopping after"

Lexus:"oh daddy can I go to justice"

Me:"yea here babe"

Aniya:"I got it"

Me laughing:"whatever lets go Quin"

We got to my Porsche cuz that's what he wanted to ride in this little nigga is cool as hell maybe one day I'll have a son that acts like him... After his game

Quin:"aye man drop me off at Marcus"


Quin:"how it feel to have sex"

Me laughing:"little nigga you thinking bout having sex"

Quin:"hell yea"

Me:"yea right yo mom would kill me if I was talking to you about sex"

Quin:"she ain't gunna know"

Me:"alright yea sex is good and everything but that's not what life's about me and yo mom never had sex but you see we still got a good relationship it's not about the sex it's more then that"

Quin:"you really like my mom"


Quin:"that's good you gotta treat her right I don't want nothing happening to her"

Me:"I got you little nigga"

Weeks later

Destiny's POV

The bell rings for lunch I stand up I really need to eat my stomach hurts

Chelsea:"Des wait there's something on your pants sit back down"

I do

Me:"what is it"

Chelsea:"idk but it's a lot"

After everyone exits our math class she walks behind me to the bathroom when I get there it's everywhere blood all in my pants and panties

Chelsea:"you ok"

Me:"yea go to class ima call my daddy to come get me"

Chelsea:"k text me and tell me what happens"

I call my daddy his phones goes straight to voicemail idk anybody else to call and It's really hurting I text Aniya

Me:I'm dying can you call my dad

Aniya:what's wrong

Me: there's blood all in my panties my pants and my stomachs hurting Im in the bathroom at school

Aniya:stay there Im coming to get you

I'm so thankful for her idk who else would come. 10 minutes later she walks in the bathroom

Aniya:"Des you in here"


Aniya:"k throw on this sweater then let's go"

She signs me out we get in the car

Me:"you taking me to the hospital did you call my daddy"

Aniya:"no des... has your daddy every told you bout a period"


Aniya's POV

Dwayne walks through his bedroom door it's only about 1:30 pm

Dwayne:"what you and Des doing here why she ain't at school?"

Me:"she started her period today"

His eyes get really big. I climb out of his bed cuz I don't want to wake destiny up I grab his hand and lead him in the hall way

Me:"why ain't you tell her about a period she thought she was finna die"

Dwayne:"Idk I ain't think she'd have it this soon"

Me:"well you gotta talk to her"

Dwayne:"you ain't talk to her"

Me:"I did"

Dwayne:"well that's good enough thank you though for handling that"

He kisses my nose

Me:"your welcome"

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