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Aniya's POV
I listen the sound of my heels clacking as I get closer and closer my blood boils more... My outfit for the occasion a white button up blouse no bra no panties and a black fitted skirt with nude Gucci heels plus my Gucci bag nothing special cuz I'm getting ready to get a little dirty in the bag I have a 9mm Ak 47 automatic shotgun aa12 a silencer and some tools I just haven't decided on how ima end his life you know... am I scared? Hell no this is what this nigga deserves.. I knock on his hotel door room when he opens it he's covered up in just a towel lol this nigga really thought I'd let this shit slide

Tyson:"Uh olyvia WyD here how'd you get up here how's my babies"

Me:"I told them I was your wife but let's not talk about thats that's not why I'm here"

Tyson:"well I'm kinda busy"

Me seductively:"oh yea to busy for this"
I start to unbutton my blouse omg my husband gunna kill me

Tyson laughing:"Naw I guess I can make a little time for you"
Dumb ass nigga.. he sits on the couch pulling me down with him in his lap I sit my bag on the side of the couch... he kisses on my neck I let out moans as he plays with my nipples.. I'm sorry Yall it's just been a minute but ima do what I came to do without going to far

Tyson:"tell me why doing this"

Me moaning:"cuz she doesn't deserve you i do you were mine first anyway"

Tyson laughing:"damn it took you this many years to realize what you was missing"

Me:"yea but I'm here now baby"
He tries to kiss me but I turn my face his dumb ass don't catch on and just keeps kissing my neck his hands start to roam over my pussy and I'm kinda getting wet maybe I should let him eat me out that ain't that bad- wait no no no I'm married to the man of my dreams who can make me feel like this by just looking at me I can't fuck that up he sits me on the couch while he gets on his knees and yanks up my skirt then widely spreading my legs... this nigga takes the time of the day to smell me

Tyson:"it smells better then I ever dreamed"
Haha this niggas crazy fantasizing about a pussy he will never get he starts to kiss my inner thighs now I'm turnt all the way off just cuz of that comment

Tyson:"you want daddy to stick his tongue in you"

Me faking:"Ohh yes please daddy"

Tyson:"promise me first you gunna lose Rico and that bitch husbands of yours case we gunna kill bri take the kids all the money and we gunna get married"


Tyson:"yea baby"
As he looks up his forehead hits the tip of my 9mm the look on his face? Lol

Me laughing:"you see I can't do that... why because hmm let me think Rico and my husband got kids to tend to plus to beautiful women who you'd never get the chance to have.. kill bri? Aha are you stupid or just fucking playing dumb and Id never bring my kids around a bitch made nigga like you"

Tyson laughing:"you ain't got the heart to just kill me so come on aniya put that shit down"

Me:"I don't? Him I guess you right I don't"
Pow! I let one lose just a few inches away from his heart I kick him with my 8 in his where I just shot he falls back on his back holding his wound begging and crying little bitch

Me laughing:"I ain't gunna just kill you that's easy bitch... let's make this last a little longer"
I grab some cleaning shit from the bathroom make him open wide and pour that shit down him next I turn on the coffee I sit on the bed as it warms up as he tries to apply pressure to the wound and stick his finger down his throat to throw up the cleaning supplies.. I look through my bag for some shit I see a miniature grinder I grabbed from my kitchen an instantly a light bulb goes off.. ima cruel bitch honestly I was made for this I make him lay flat as I strip his clothes lol I ain't know pubic Hairs get nappy and matted like that Eww I grab the coffee and start at his toes but him ain't screaming like I want him so I put the down grab the grinder and we'll start to grind up his meat haha he yelps and screams he keeps going in and out of it I'm so over it i twist the silence on my 9 and shoot him everywhere I call dwaynes clean up crew and then I get gone

Dwaynes POV
Couple days later even though Bryson got better bri still won't talk and that shit got Rico going wild they took him to suicide watch I doubt my nigga will kill himself but they definitely needs watch out for somebody else.. the guard comes and gets me telling me I got a visitor I hope it aniya cuz I had a nigga watching Her he say a few days ago she got all dressed up to go see some nigga and I might just lose it on her plus she ain't been excepting my calls... but when I see the guard taking me to this back room I know it's her.. when I walk in here she in a long ass trench coat and got a smile on her face like shits coo I sit across from her and stare emotionless

She stands up and grabs my shoulders as she starts to kiss on my neck

Aniya:"why you so tense baby"

Me:"wtf was you doing with some other nigga?!"
Yea I left her ass looking dumb she ain't got shit to say and I can't believe I thought this bitch was riding for me she tries to climb in my lap but I push her off she stands in front of me unwrapping the coat from her self damn that lingerie and damn it has been a minute finally i cave in and let her climb in my lap she crashes our lips together usually I like to be in control but I'm cool for today I just want some answer.. my hands start to roam freely over her body as one of them slip in her panties she moans and instantly gets wetter she starts to kiss on my neck

Me:"who is he.. you love him"

Aniya whispering in my ear:"it's not what you think babe... it's Tyson Bris ex"

Me:"wtf you doing fucking with yo best friends ex while she laid up in the hospital"

Aniya whispering:"ssh baby listen.. he's the one who attacked Bryson and bri.. who ever you got watching me ain't stay long enough to tell you what really happened"

Me:"what really happened then"
I feel myself getting harder by the minute as i play with her clit and finger her

Aniya moaning:"let's..mhmm baby I needed this... uhh agh... lets just say I handle what needed to be handled"
I stop and look at her for a while she grinds her pussy up against my fingers while keeping her eyes closed damn my baby is a rider taking niggas out and shit

Couple hours later

After some amazing ass sex with my wife I finally head out the room ready to go back to my cell and sleep shit

Guard laughing:"nigga Yall was at it for a while better be lucky they ain't do no surprise count"
I just nod my head at this nigga I really hate his ass but he one of the niggas that make this shit possible for me

Guard:"you wife pussy fat and pink af"
All I see is red

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