Pregnant Life

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Aniya's POV
It's been two months since I told everyone I was pregnant I've gotten bigger and it's way more noticeable now I'm not really comfortable with being big so I haven't gave Dwayne any but when he came home tonight he seem so stressed plus the kids being loud and all that so tonight I tried but after one round I really am tired and I couldn't really enjoy it cuz I was constantly thinking what was he thinking did I disgust him?
Dwayne:"wassup baby why you acting like this"
He pulls my half naked body closer to him pulling the covers off of me instantly my hands cover up where the stretch marks are coming in on my thighs
Dwayne:"oh so that's what wrong... don't you know I'd love you no matter what you looked like"
Me crying:"even if I look like a fat cow with all these stretch marks"
Dwayne:"you ain't fat your pregnant you make me feel guilty like you ain't want to be pregnant"
Me:"I do it's just I'm scared after I have the baby you know stretch marks don't go away you gunna think I'm disgusting you won't look at me the same"
He pulls my hands off of them I try and fight it but he over powers me he takes his time kissing down my body ugh why am I so self conscious this time around well I guess cuz with quin I ain't really gain weight I ain't get stretch marks and hell Marquis was never home to have a sex... Dwayne kisses me right on these ugly ass stretch marks then kisses my lips
Dwayne:"baby your so beautiful everything about you every flaw of yours only makes me love you more your body could never disgust me and besides those stretch marks will just remind me you having our baby"
Me:"you mean that"
He rubs my lower back cuz that's usually where the pain is
Dwayne:"I mean that weirdo I love you"
Me giggling:"I love you too snukumms"
I feel like a little girl all over again idk Dwayne just has that affect
Me:"you love your baby too"
Dwayne smacks his lips:"what kinda question is that?"
Me:"well your baby wants a doughnut and hot Cheetos pwetty pwetty pwease dadddyyy"
Dwayne laughing:"I guess this the only time I'm letting you do this"
Me:"thanks babe the baby says you da best daddy in the whole wide world"
He shakes his head as he climbs out the bed he throws on sweats over his boxers he digs in one of the drawers and throws me one of my cotton long sleeved Victoria's Secret night gowns I sit up in bed and wait for him to come back.. I decide to go check on the kids des has a pillow between her legs which means it's that time of the month idk why that helps but it does and it helps my pregnant ass to when Dwayne ain't here for me to cuddle up to... i kiss her cheek then walk in Quins room this little boy got his hands in his boxers like hell no how old he think he is... I kiss his cheek and then go in lex room I turn off her TV she starts to whine so I plug in a night light and she settles back down im happy Andreas moved on she got a boyfriend and lex seems happy she's not scared to go home anymore so I'm happy I kiss my baby's little nose she smiles and says mommy while still sleeping yes she stills calls me mom oh well honestly if another bitch was caring for my kids better then me hats off to the bitch and if my kids calling her mom I should only be mad at myself... I walk back into the room noticing Dwayne eating my Cheetos I swat his hands away snatch the one out of his fingers and dip it in the cheese
Dwayne laughing:"your stingy"
Me whining:"babe you forgot to heat up the doughnut"
Dwayne:"oh well it taste the same"
Me whining:"no and I have to take my insulin anyway go get it babe"
I push him off the bed he grabs the doughnut
Dwayne:"you want anything else cuz when I come back I ain't getting back up"
Me:"milk warm that up too"
He mugs me
Me giggling:"I'm sorry your kid is picky but we love you"
He shakes his head again and walks out the room
Dwayne's POV
I decide to check on the kids before going downstairs... des room is the closets to mine on purpose cuz she the oldest she getting in them teenage years and if my daughter act the way them girls I used to fuck with when I was younger I gotta keep my eyes on her... she's sleeping with a pillow between her legs idk wtf that mean but I see Aniya doing it when I ain't here I hope that ain't no horny little girl shit... I walk in Quins room this nigga got his hands in his boxers i laugh a little thinking back to last month when he came to me cuz he was having wet dreams he ain't know what to do I go in lex room she looks so peaceful and that makes me chill as long as my family is good I'm good I grab Aniya's insulin I hate seeing her do it every time her eyes water I wish I could trade her places cuz we both know this pregnancy ain't been easy and she's only five months it made me mad knowing she feels all self conscious about herself and it's all my fault... I warm up the doughnut and milk and then go upstairs when I walk the door I start to laugh because she has her head up against the headboard the cheese sitting in her lap a Chip hanging in her fingers with her mouth slightly open letting out slight snores... I grab the food setting it on the night stand.. I shake her
Me:"come on take this insulin then we can go to bed"
Aniya whining:"babe wait I'm hungry"
Me:"no come on"
She takes a deep breath I feed her a bite of the doughnut and give her some milk
Me:"ok cmon now"
She sets everything up she hesitates before she does it I grab her face and kiss her as she does it tryna distract her from the pain I wrap my arms around her and lay us down
The next morning
I tried to wake niya up for work but she says she ain't feeling good I call her boss he's been really understanding he better be my baby a good lawyer and if he fire her Id beat her ass then her the money to start her own firm... i check in the kids bathroom to see the kids up getting dressed everybody except lex I go in her room she's just laying in bed
Me:"cmon mamas you got school"
Lex:"do I have to go home today"
Me:"you don't miss yo mom"
Lex:"yes but.. I don't feel good daddy I don't want to go to school can I stay with niya"
Me:"let's go talk to her"
I pick her up outta her bed I feel her head she ain't got a fever but if my baby say she ain't feeling good I know she ain't
Me:"niya babe"
Niya whining:"uh uh"
Lex whining:"mommy I don't feel good"
Aniya pulls her head from out of the cover
Aniya:"come here baby"
I lay her next to her and they wrap there arms around each other
Me:"so you good with her staying here with you"
Me:"alright lex I need you to be good and help niya out cuz she don't feel good either ok"
Lex:"ok daddy"
I lean done and kiss them both then I take Quin and Des to school after I head to my office cuz there's a lot of shut I gotta figure out shits coming up missing that means my money being fucked with and with a new baby on the way a wedding to plan and another three kids to take care of this shit ain't gunna work for me so I need some answers
Alexus POV
Me:"mommy are you having a boy or a girl"
Niya:"I went through this with you me and daddy wanted it to be a surprise so only my mom knows and she's gonna tell us at the baby shower ok"
Me laughing:"k mommy"
Niya:"you sure you don't feel good you seem ok to me"
Me:"oh... oh yea"
I cough a little she smiles at me knowing I'm faking
Niya:"let's go get some food in our tummies what you want"
Me:"daddy says we have to help you stick to your diet do something healthy"
Niya starts laughing but I'm fr my baby has be heathy and Id be sad if anything happened to niya
Me:"did you take your medicine this morning"
Niya laughing:"not yet mom"
As niya cooks us breakfast I sit on the counter I love her ring me Quin and Des did a good job picking out her rooms
Me:"so I was thinking I could be a bridesmaid I'm old enough right"
Niya:"of course lex"
We eat and I make sure she takes her medicine... I rub her belly as our baby kicks then she lets me play with her
Couple hours later
Niya:"hey baby.... yea we good... ok"
She hangs up then looks at me
Niya:"ok baby your moms on her way we needa go get you ready"
Soon as I hear that I break into tears
Niya:"what's wrong"
Me crying:"I don't want to go I want to stay here"
Niya:"your mom misses you"
Me crying:"no she hurts me when I'm there her and Paul"
Paul is mommy's new boyfriend
Niya:"what you mean they hurt you do they hit you"
Me crying:"mommy does but Paul does something else"
Niya:"like what"
I'm scared to tell her but I know I have to say something daddy told me if somebody ever tried to touch me that way to tell him but I'm scared so ima tell Niya she can tell him
Me crying:"he...he does stuff nobody is supposed to do"
Niya:"like what"
Me:"when I'm in bed he rubs me touches me and kisses me"
Niya:"where baby where does he touch you"
Me:"my privates Niya"
She picks me up and holds me in her chest I cry it all out
Niya:"you don't have to go back don't worry baby"
Me:"you mad at me mommy Is daddy gunna be mad at me"
Niya:"no baby..its ok I'll never let nothing like that happen to you again"
She picks up her phone and dials daddy back
Niya:"you better tell her not to come here.... Dwayne get here now... I might goto jail if she shows up....ill tell you when you get here but lex ain't going... Dwayne I'm not fucking kidding I'll kill her fr.. alright bye"
When mommy finally hangs up she kisses me on my cheeks
Andreas POV
When I pull up to dwaynes house I get mad all over again I know I'm wrong for hitting on lex but she looks so much like her dad and it hurts... I knock on the door no answer but I know somebody's here I hear screaming and someone walking back and forth so I kick at the door harder finally Aniya snatches the door opens
Me:"where's my daughter"
Aniya:"bitch she ain't coming with you"
Me:"bitch tell me please who TF you think you are... Alexus get your ass down here and let's go"
I notice lex hiding behind the wall... Aniya pushes me back causing me to stumble out the door way oh she done fucked up because I've been waiting for my moment I was gonna wait till she had her baby but she crossed the line.. she shuts the door behind her
Aniya:"I suggest you to get tf away from my door"
Me:"and bitch if I don't whats gunna happen"
Aniya:"either me or Dwayne gunna kill yo ass for letting yo nigga touch her"
Me laughing:"wtf you talking bout"
I hear a car door open Dwayne hops out and stands in front of Aniya
Dwayne:"what's going on"
Aniya:"go ahead bitch tell him how you letting yo nigga molest Alexus"
Next thing I know I'm struggling to breath Dwayne's grip tightens he bashes in my head with his fist I feel blood gushing from my mouth and nose finally he lets my body drops I run to my car speeding off Idk what to think did this nigga really hurt my baby... I go home he's sitting on my couch smoking
Paul:"Baby what happened to yo face where's lex"
Me crying:"did you touch her"
He doesn't answer just looks at me with huge eyes I lose it I grab a knife and i lose it I can't stop myself I have to get outta here before the cops come idk when I'm coming back but I have to go now

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