Two years later

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(Destiny 16)

Aniyas POV
Let me give you a little recap so I guess dwaynes dumb ass fucked Shelly so they could give them lesser time she offered five years with no chance of parole without me being there and they dumb asses took it so yea till this day I'm still mad he supposed to be my husband but you know how that goes anyway I'm much better now these kids gunna be the death of me especially destiny she's 16 and it just seems like I can never get a break Quin is 12 and fast as hell lex of course my baby is the best she 10 now and loren is 4 and getting into everything... idk how dwaynes gunna take what I have to tell him but shit he has to know

Dwaynes POV
Two years nigga it been along time and I hate this shit here and I know my wife upset about me taking the deal but I did it for her I ain't want her to be stressing tryna get us out... today des and niya coming to visit I ain't really get nervous until the guard told my aniya asked for a regular visitation like me behind the glass window and everything like she really still mad at my ass... when I see them I already know a big ass smile spreads across my face man I miss them I sit and pick up the phone it's crazy how fast yo kids grow destiny ass 16 got me feeling old as fuck

Aniya:"you feel old huh"

Me laughing:"hell yea I ain't know time would pass this fast"

Aniya:"yea can you believe We finna be thirty?"

Destiny laughing:"yea dad mom found a gray hair it was so funny"

Aniya:"omg des I told you not to tell nobody"

Me laughing:"damn I'm married to a grandma"
They both tense up the hell?!

Aniya:"so how's Rico holding up"

Me:"he good Bryson and bri come to see him all the time so for the most part he's alright"

Aniya:"yea... look I'm sorry I try and make more time to bring the kids but it's a lot harder when you have 4 and not just one"

Me:"you good as long as I know they good we good alright"
She nods her head at me

Aniya:"three more years"

Me:"Naw not really they gunna count the time I already did before the sentencing so a little over two"

Destiny:"daddy I can't wait to you come home"
The next thirty minutes we just talking about memories about the other kids and shit like that for the first time and along time I'm actually happy you know

Guard:"alright inmate 10865 time up"

Me:"alright I lov-"

Aniya:"wait! There's something we need to say well destiny needs to say"
I look at sea for answers but she just hangs her head low

Destiny:"Uh... i uhh-"

Guard:"let's go!"

Me:"stfu here I come what is it des"
She looks at aniya aniya shakes her head no then destiny looks at me with tears rolling down her cheeks this shit is making me angry

Guard:"let's go now!"

Me yelling:"wtf is it destiny"

Destiny crying:"I can't I can't say it"

Aniya:"you have too"

Guard:"you have 5 seconds or your going to the hole"

Aniya yelling:"she's pregnant Dwayne!"
Before I can respond two guards snatch me up Idc I'm finna fucking kill them break through here then beat the fuck outta destiny and aniya

Destiny's POV
It's so scary seeing daddy like this mom made the right choice of this regular visitation cuz then that woulda been me he attacked I can't stop the crying i disappointed my daddy idk how I let this happen my helps me up and we walk to the car I can't believe I did this to them

Mom:"you ready to go talk to Isaiah and his parents"

Me:"I guess"

Mom:"he's not mad at you des it's just... he doesn't want you to face some of the struggles people face when they have kids young"

Me:"um... what If Isaiah doesn't want it.. I can't do it on my own"

Mom:"you can and you will if it comes to that ok"
I nod my head I'm glad somebody think I could do this cuz I defiantly think I can't

30 minutes later

Ashanti(Isaiah's mom):" hey destiny what are you doing here"
I look at mom to answer but she just keeps giving me this look like you do it

Me:"um... I needa talk to Isaiah and I guess you"

Ashanti:"oh ok who's this"

Mom:"hi im aniya destiny's mom"

Ashanti:"omg hi it's nice to finally meet you now I see where she gets the beauty from can I offer you something to drink"

Mom:"nice to meet you to but no were fine we just want to talk"
We follow her into living room where Isaac Isaiah's big brother is laid out sleep with his hands in his draws

Ashanti:"get up go in your room so they can sit down"

Mom:"oh no it's fine we'll sit right here"
She pulls me basically into her lap on the recliner Ashanti sits in adjacent from us

Ashanti:"well Isaiah should just be getting out of school so he should be here soon"
Mom nods her head

Isaac:"wassup little sis yo mom single"

Ashanti laughing:"Isaac you so thirsty she don't want you"

Isaac:"you don't know that are you ma"

Mom:"I'm happily married to destiny's father who I have 4 kids with and your too young for me son"

Isaac laughing:"I'm grown and I can show you something he can't"
I watch mom roll her eyes

Ashanti:"ok Isaac stop now your making it seem like I can't raise kids"
I hear mom scuff omg Ashanti mugs her omg the front door opens please be Isaiah

Ashanti:"isaiah come here!"
He walks in here when he sees me and my mom he looks really confused I just drop my head down damn he look so good but that's what got me in this predicament I'm in now

Mom:"hi Isaiah I'm destiny mom aniya"

Isaiah:"uh it's nice to meet you ma'am.. babe what are Yall doing here"
I start to stutter cuz Idk how to say this

Mom:"ok um well as you may know Ashanti they are sexually active and they've been doing at your house I guess they decided not to use condoms or whatever it was but now destiny pregnant and I needa know if your sons gunna be there for their kid"

Isaac laughing:"bro you ain't strap up you so dumb?!"

Ashanti:"how do I even know it's his"
Oh no she didn't

Mom:"Isaiah did you and destiny have unprotected sex?"

Isaiah:"I mean.. Uh.. yea but it was one time all the other times we used protection"

Mom:"it only takes once is it a possibly this babies yours?"


Ashanti:"I mean obviously yo daughter gave it up to my son so who else did she fuck you ain't finna pin this baby on him"


Me:"mom no I know your upset Ashanti but I've only had sex with Isaiah"

Ashanti:"yea ok we will help with the baby after a DNA test"

Me:"Isaiah you have nothing to say"

Isaiah:"I.. im not ready for a kid destiny"

Me yelling:"and you should've thought of that because as I remember you were the one saying it was ok"

Ashanti laughing:"and you believed it aniya you did a wonderful job raising her dumb bitch don't know a boy only gunna say what she want to hear"
Mom jumps up and attacks her omg I'm really gunna have to do this on my own

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