Oh Boy, Cats!

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BACK TO STEVE NOW, I mean he's kinda supposed to be important.

He walked along the path to his mother's house. Steve didn't even need to turn around to know someone was following him.

"Howdy Cole, how're you?" He asked calmly as he continued walking. He only heard a soft mumble in return. He assumed that meant Cole was doing fantastic and kept walking.

"You read any cool books lately?"


"Sounds nice, maybe you could show me later."


"Are you following me to see my old rose garden?"


"You want to see the cat?"


It didn't take long to see the path leading down to the lake. Steve helped Cole walk down the steep hill and to his childhood home. Steve smiled at the sight of the rose bushes. They were healthy as ever, and he was glad to see they were still well cared for. Steve knocked on the door and was delighted too see an old iron golem. "Mom!" He squeaked happily before hugging her. She hugged him back with one arm and waved at Cole with the other.

"Luciana is upstairs on the cat tree if you want to see her." The golem said quietly, knowing her son wasn't going to let go for awhile. Cole nodded and headed upstairs. She looked around for a bit. Did he really have to do this everyday? They live in the same village. Well, she really didn't mind. In fact she'd probably be concerned if he didn't hug her. Steve eventually let go and smiled up at the iron lady.

"You're taking care of the garden really well!" Steve complimented.

"Well of course, you didn't get your green  thumb from nowhere." She chuckled softly, glancing at the roses outside her window. Steve opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by something pawing at his back. He turned around and wasn't surprised to see Cole holding Luciana, who was begging for his attention.

"Do not give her any treats, she gets enough already." The golem huffed at her son, knowing him to well to let him go on without a warning. Steve sighed sadly, he pet the cat softly as an apology to the small animal. The iron golemom, went upstairs to prepare herself for a day of fishing. Cole waited until she was all the way upstairs to shuffle over to Steve. He pulled a piece of steak out of his inventory winked before giving it to the cat. Steve watched Luciana chow down on the treat and he pat Cole on the shoulder as a thank you. Cole mumbled happily and set the cat down. Steve shuffled a bit, thinking to himself. Cole notice how quiet Steve had been this morning, and felt like now was a good time to figure out why.

"Hmm..." he mumbled loudly, squinting at Steve.

"I'm not hiding anything, I swear." Steve responded quickly. Cole didn't even need to say a word for Steve to understand him, his facial expression said it all.

"No, I know you're not stupid, but it's just personal okay?"


Steve's Mom went downstairs and noticed the two were still in her living room.

"You plan to stand there all day?" She joked, kinda nervously. She liked Cole and everything, and he's a good kid, but there's just something off about him. She felt guilty about feeling this way, especially when she knows Cole can smell her fear from a mile away. Cole looked down and walked out of the house and down the path. Steve waved to his mother before following his testificate friend.

"It's just a diary. You know how it is. I mean we all have secrets. I'm allowed to keep mine to myself. I know you worry but I'm alright." He said. Cole couldn't argue with that, especially when he keeps his own secrets. The testificate walked up to the library door and held it open for Steve. Cole lived at and cared for the library, buying new books and upgrading it's build to make room for said books.

They both walked inside. Steve immediately began looking for books as his friend just shuffled over to a table to sit down.

"It's kinda sad, very few of these books bring up monsters unless it's specifically to kill them." Steve thought aloud. Most people would've immediately called an exorcist or something of the sort after hearing something like that, but not Cole. Cole just nodded in agreement. Steve trusted Cole. As the son of a witch, a type of testificate that was only recently accepted back into society, Cole was afraid that having books on monsters would have him banished. Steve understood this, and he knew that the village wouldn't change their negative outlook on him anytime soon. They fear him, and that's just how it's always been.

"Cole, do you think my fascination with them is worrisome?" He asked with a sigh. Steve already knew the answer in all honesty, he just needed the reassurance.

"Mm-mm.." Cole responded while he shook his head. He looked up at the miner/architect and smiled. Steve smiled back, it always melted his heart to see Cole with a genuine smile. Cole was like the little brother of their friend group, and they loved and worried about him.

"What about your fascination with Monika?" Steve teased, causing Cole to pull his hood over his head. Monika was a longtime friend within the group and a farmer. Cole always had a crush on her, since day one. He's made it obvious, but she just doesn't catch on.

"You'll get her one day, bud." Steve said with a smile before picking out a book on cooking recipes. Cole watched him sit down beside him and open the book to read.

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