Cole Knows What's Up

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""Herobrine? I think I've heard about you! You terrorize and chase people!""

""Oh Steve, sweet, ignorant Steve. You say that as if people aren't capable of lying.""

""What if you're the one lying?""

""Well, I guess it's up to you to decide if I am.""


""Okay Steve, lets make a deal.""

Those words caused him to tense up. He felt as if whatever was about to be said, it wasn't going to be good.

""If at anytime you want me to leave you and everyone else in this village alone just tell me and I won't return."" Herobrine stated softly.

""Really?"" Steve asked, his voice full of surprise.

""Really."" He responded. Steve felt this was probably a big mistake, but he decided he'd let Brine stay for now. He wasn't going to slay any dragons for him, but he did feel bad. He couldn't imagine a life where he had no physical form.

Steve got up from his chair and opened the front door slowly. He looked around outside before stepping out into the sunlight. It was a lovely day, but Steve wasn't really paying much attention to that. He was busy trying to act natural, and no he's not all that terrible at it. Unless you're Cole, and you can pick up the slightest movements and happen to be fluent in body language. He shuffled up to Steve and stared at him. Steve immediately tensed up and cursed himself for doing so.

"Hi Cole." He choked out as he continued walking. Cole squinted at this, but he was obviously confused. Steve was relieved that he couldn't figure out what was going on, but he hated keeping something from him.

""He seems nice."" Brine said out of the blue. Steve jumped a bit, causing Cole to look away.

""He knows.""

""Relax, your friend's probably got an hour before he figures it out.""

""You're not helping.""

""Sorry, I'll be quiet.""

"Lovey day, isn't it?" Steve asked nervously.

"Hm? Mm-hm..." Cole took a moment to respond. This wasn't a good sign at all, but there was nothing he could do at this point. Cole didn't bother him much anymore, he assumed his privacy was being respected. Honestly though, it was just because Cole was lost in thought.

""You know, it's always best to say something before they find out. He'd probably be understanding."" Brine spoke up.

""What if he isn't?"" Steve asked worriedly.

""He will be."" He told Steve confidently.

Steve looked at Cole as they walked, trying to decided if he wanted to tell him, while building up the courage he'd need if he did. He didn't though, and the rest of the walk to the lake was silent. They went fishing together, and although to people passing by it seemed nice, there was an ever growing tension between the two.

It must have been an hour before Cole broke the silence.

"Steve?" He whispered so quietly, that it took Steve a moment to process what was even said. He was terrified at this point.

"This is going to sound crazy, and if you don't understand what I'm about to say, then just keep quiet, okay?" He asked softly. Steve didn't respond, he just slouched and hugged his knees.

"What's his name?"




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