Chapter 2

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Please talk to friends or family about this if you are going through this. If you ever want to talk to me about how you are feeling, do not hesitate. I want to help you. I am very serious, and care about each and every one of you.

Chase P.O.V.

I head to the building that I work in, Bro Average. I make videos of me doing trick shots. Stacy hated it. Is that why she left? Why she took the kids? Did she think I couldn't provide for them? Stacy left me a long time ago. I fell into depression. Everyday I drank myself to sleep, waking up with alcohol induced headaches. In this building I attempted to commit suicide by shooting myself. I was not successful, and my brother who is a doctor had saved me. I tried to be happier, but couldn't, so instead I tried convincing my brother's I was happier, and succeeded. I think they know how I really feel, they just don't care. A facade is still just a wall. So today, I decided to take the jump. I walk past the secretary, and straight to the stairs. I stop to think about one more drink before this, but decide against it. I might change my mind.

I finish the climb up. I scan the roof to make sure nobody is here, but then I see someone. Someone about to jump. I don't know what came over me. I was doing the same thing, so why can't they? I sprint to them, and grab their wrist so they can't fall. I now can see them clearly. It's a woman with the prettiest (E/C) eyes you've ever seen, gorgeous (H/L), (H/C), hair, and the saddest expression. Damn, what would have happened if I had stopped for that drink? Her eyes are dull and clouded, with tears pooled in them. "I can't let you do this. You don't need to do this." I tell her, pulling her up and over the railing. She cries, and buries her face in my chest. She eventually stops.

"You don't know what I need." She tells me. I can't deny that she is right, but I can't let her do this. I don't know why, but I'm drawn to her like a magnet. Seeing her about to take the plunge made something snap into place. I can't leave this Earth. My brother's do need me. And someone needs her. "Well this isn't the answer. Someone has to care. I know it's hard. I've tried telling myself this a thousand times. It doesn't work right away, but at some-point you will realize it." She shakes her head, pulls away from me. "My parents are gone. I have no other family. I shut out my friends, the world. Why didn't you just let me go?" She sobs, falling to her knees, wiping the tears that keep falling. "Because I saw you about to do what I came here to do. I realized just now, my brother's care about me. I can't do it, and I couldn't let you do it either." She gives me a shocked look, and I continue. "Let me be the one to care about you. Don't shut everything and everyone out." I reach my hand out to her. I realize how much I want her to take it. To fall into my arms. But part of me thinks that this will end the same as Stacy. Cold hearted, and leaving pools of tears. She thinks, then hesitantly takes my hand. I pull her up. "Chase." I say. "(Y/n)." She replies. Why did I want her to take my hand so badly? Am I that desperate for love? No, no I'm helping her? "Lets go get some coffee, and calm down. Okay?" She nods, and I lead her back down the stairs silently.

We reach this small, local coffee shop. The floors are a dark colored wood, while the walls are a light blue. It's well lit, and smells like vanilla. There are wooden tables and chairs to complement the flooring by the windows. Three people are in here, smiling and laughing, unaware of the two messes that just walked in. We walk to the counter, order our drinks, I pay after a moment of argument, and sit down in a corner when we receive them. She immediately looks down at her hands, and doesn't look up. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. "Do you want to talk about it?" She replies. "Touché. Can I ask how you were able to get up there? I work there, so nobody would notice me going to the roof, but you?" Her dull eyes finally look up. "Security isn't that tight." She looks so sad, so disheveled. I imagine I look the same to be honest. I want her to smile, to laugh, but I know how hard that is.

"Um, Chase? Thank you. I mean, I miss human interaction." She says meekly. "It's not a problem. I want to help." I tell her. "Why did you want to jump?" She looks at my with curiosity. "Stop asking me. You don't want to talk about it either. Just go home, be with your brothers, and let me go." She snaps, looking back her drink. "I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to give up. I said I was going to the one to care for you, and I am." She gives a hollow chuckle. "You're persistent. I'm taking up space here." She mumbles the part. "You're not." I reassure. She sips her drink. "Okay. If I tell you why I wanted to jump, you have to tell me why you wanted to." I hold up my hand. "I solemnly swear, dude."  I force a smile. She looks at me like she knows it. "Your smile is fake, but it's almost convincing." "Sometimes a forced smile is better then none. You want someone to think you're happy." I tell her, looking down. She nods, agreeing. "Okay. I'll go first."

The Pieces Of our Hearts can make a New One {Chase Brody x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang