Chapter 9

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Chase P.O.V.

I'm back in the room. The silence is agonizing. Sunlight streams through the open curtains. The day seems to happy for the dismal reality I'm facing. I look at (Y/n)'s pale face. I wish so badly I had paid attention to her (e/c) eyes, dulled with pain, but still gifted with that beautiful sparkle. I wish to see that smile, no matter if it was forced, I could tell it was becoming les forced with time. Or I had thought. There had to be something. What I really wish is that I never brought her with me to Stacy's. I know that something had to of happened there. I think again about what I said before I left. "She means nothing to me."  Could she have... oh god, what if she heard me? What if this is my fault? My thought start to spiral when I hear a soft groan. I look down at (Y/n), but realize it isn't her. I look at Anti in the other bed, noticing his eyes opening.

"Anti!" I stand from (Y/n)'s bed, and walk to his. He tries to sit up, but I push him lightly back down. "Hey, hey, hey, take it easy bro. You've been out for awhile. I'll get the doc." I walk to the door frame. "Schneep! Get in here!" I turn back to the sound of coughing. I see Anti sitting up, holding the breathing mask in his right hand. His body convulses in a coughing fit. "Bro, what did I say?" I scold in my "fatherly" voice. He just glares at me. I walk back to him, lifting the mask face to his face. "Get over it." "I dOn'T nEEd heLp!" He growls, his voice glitching but not nearly as bad as that night... Henrik walks in. "Vat is happen- Anti!" He smiles as he comes over. He claps a hand on Anti's shoulder. "Good to see you avake." Anti scowls, but doesn't say anything. "How are you feeling?" Anti looks into space.

"Like a train ran over me." "Righhht. Let me take some X-rays." Schneep enters the other room. "What about (Y/n)?" Anti asks. I point over to her bed. "There..." I say weakly. He looks over. "I'm sorry Chase, I tried-" I cut him off. "It's okay, Anti. This isn't on you." He looks at me. "You're not half as annoying as I originally thought." He says, leaning back on the bed. "Thanks...?" Henrik comes back. "I vant to check your immune zyztem. Maybe now that your avake, I can properly get an idea of what I'm looking at." Schneep takes a few pictures, the sheet over Anti's chest and stomach. He looks over them on the computer. "Strange..." I hear him mumble. "What?" I ask, looking at Anti with concern. "Hold on...lemme just..." He repeats the process. After a few more times of this, he growls in frustration. "Vat the fuck?" "WhAt?" Anti asks. "You' systematic failure. As if you were in a coma." Schneep answers, looking at (Y/n).

"Vat is going on?" He questions. Anti looks surprised. "I-I don't know. We've just been... connected." He answers. Henrik runs a hand through his hair. "Well we've got a problem with that. It seem even your immune zyztems are connected. She's dying, and now so are you. If she dies...." He breaks off. "Anti does too..." I finish, sinking into a nearby chair. Oh god......oh god....

The Pieces Of our Hearts can make a New One {Chase Brody x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now