Chapter 8

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Third Person P.O.V.

Chase bolted forward, but didn't make it in time to move the gun away from her head. "Oh god, (Y/n), just hold on, please!" He held her in his arms as her form crumpled. Her eyes flew closed, and her body went limp. There was a faint rise and fall of her chest that Chase didn't notice. He had barely brushed the gun enough so it would not cause a direct hit to her brain. But he didn't know that. He could just feel the blood from the wound on his hands as he held her head up, and he could feel the all too familiar tears streaking his face. Having heard the gunshot, Marvin ran from Anti to where Chase was with (Y/n). "Chase, what happe-" He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh god..." Marvin says. Chase turn a tearful eye to his brother. "We need to get her to Henrik's." He says. Marvin nods, using magic to carefully maneuver her body. For a moment, Chase's vision was blurry, all he could see was the deep red blood. But he had to stay by her side. He forced himself to follow Marvin into Henrik's medic room. The large room had dark wooden flooring, with white walls. Three white medical beds were set up on the fall wall with different medical machines near them. A desk laid in the corner where tools, papers, medical instruments, and scrubs were organized. There was a smaller room that came off of the first, used as an operating room. As soon as Schneep saw Marvin and Chase, his eyes widen. "Vat happened?" He exclaimed. "S-She tried..." Chase choked out, not able to finish the sentence. But Schneep understood. He had done this for Chase, and he would do this for (Y/n). He looked for a pulse, and found a very very weak one.

"Quickly, before it's too late. Ve have a chance. I vill need your help Marvin." The accented man said hurriedly, pointing to the off room. Henrik moved towards the room, away from his brother. An unconscious Anti laid in the bed Henrik was by. Jack stood next to it, a fearful expression on his face. The black tear-like substance still ran from Anti's eyes to the bottom of his cheeks. His neck wound had reopened, bleeding an angry red. His green tinted skin was paler then usual. His breathing was labored, and a breathing mask as on his face. His energy had completely depleted in his attempt to stop (Y/n). What the others didn't know, was that not only could he hear thoughts and take control of a body, but he could see flashes of the future. Important bits of things that are essential. He could see (Y/n) in their future. And she was happy. And so was Chase. He knew what needed to happen. He felt burdened with the weight of control. Like this was all on him. He had to do this all alone. If he could just open up.....

Henrik worked skillfully yet quickly in the other room, Marin keeping her alive with the use of magic. Henrik was sweating as they removed the bullet. Marvin used his magic to help everything return to normal, keeping her brain intact. The process was long, and Chase was scared. He stood by Anti, looking at him with a feeling of helplessness. Jack had gone to talk to JJ, as Jameson was sensitive to these things, and Jack was the most subtle. He looked up as Henrik and Marvin moved (Y/n)'s body to an empty bed.

Chase P.O.V.

"Is she-" I can't force the question out. This awful feeling is consuming me. They must have felt this way when I... "She is alive. Ve have return everything to working state, but her body is in shut down. She is in a coma. Only she can decide vhen she vill wake up." Henrik said solemnly. My heart shattered into a million pieces. "And Anti?" Henrik looks over to our unconscious brother. "I do not know. He is alive, but I can not diagnose him. I think zat his body just used too much energy. But because of his...glitchiness, I cannot figure out what is happening." He sighs in frustration, then leaves with Marvin. I repeat his sigh, then sit next to (Y/n)'s bed. I brush a few strands of hair from her face, and grab her hand. It was dark out by now. And quiet. Henrik had the lights dimmed. The only noises were the faint beeping of the machines hooked up to two of the people I loved.

"Chase, you should get some sleep." Jack said, walking into the room. "It's three in the morning." He showed me his phone with the time. I'm surprised. It felt like five minutes. "I can't leave her." I mumble. He sighs, pulling another chair up next to me. "She can pull through." He said. "But what if she doesn't want to. Jack, you know what this was. I-I can't lose her. I can't let her do this alone. I promised I would be there for her. And I failed. I failed her. I thought she was doing better, but I screwed that up. I never should have brought her with me to Stacy's. I love her, and I failed her." I whimper, my voice cracking and barely audible. Jack puts an hand on my shoulder. "Chase, you've helped her so much. We all thought she was getting better. This wasn't your fault. It's not too late. You didn't fail her Chase, you saved her." I don't respond to his words. He gets up, and goes to bed. But I stay with her. "I love you, (Y/n). I'm sorry. I won't fail you again." I give her hand a quick squeeze. I go over to Anti.

"You can pull through Anti, I know you can. You're the strongest out of all of us." I tell him, hoping he can somehow hear me. Then I go to bed. After all, I can't help her if I can't help myself.

The Pieces Of our Hearts can make a New One {Chase Brody x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now