Chapter 11

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Anti P.O.V.

God, this is hell. Everything hurts and doesn't hurt at the same time. They're all in here constantly, making sure we're both still alive. Chase sits in his chair quietly everyday, holding her hand. He speaks with me sometimes, but his focus is on her. I'm not upset about it though. I want to leave this bed, and do things on my own, but I don't want to do anything that might cause a bad reaction in (Y/n), which will ultimately kill me. "How are you today, Anti?" Chase asks as he walks in, but it's hollow and cracked. "Been better." I answer. He sits, and takes her hand again. "I wish I knew if she could hear me." He mumbles, more to himself. But it gives me an idea. I could try and get into her head. I'm weak, and so is she, but I decide I need to try. I close my eyes, feigning sleep. I use my power with hassle, but I'm able to break through to her. The first thing I notice is black nothing. A void if you will. It's strange. But then I see her, running, and running fast, but she isn't moving. It's like a hamster on its wheel. A never ending cycle.

Tentatively, I walk up to her. "(Y/n)?" She doesn't look at me. "(Y/n)!" I shout, reaching out to touch her shoulder. When I make contact with the skin, she shudders as if cold. "(Y/n)!" She looks at me. "A-Anti?" She backs away. "How are you here? Am I going crazy?" She asks. "No, it's really me. I'm in your head. You need to wake up." I tell her. "I'm trying." She insists. "Take my hand." I instruct. "I'm going to try and pull you back when I do." She looks at me skeptically. "What if it doesn't work?" "Well...don't go into the light." I answer with slight dejection. "Anti...I tried to kill myself. Maybe I'm supposed to go into the light." She says looking down. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not the person she loves like Chase, nor am I comforting like Jack or kind like Marvin. I don't know how to handle this without being a jerk. So I just go with it. "Well you better not because if you die, I die too. I need you to come back, for my sake and Chase's Goddammit." I shout. She looks stunned now, but nods. "Good. Take my hand." I instruct forcefully.

And she does. "Okay, just relax, okay?" "Okay." I carefully break the link, tightening my grip on her hand to avoid losing her in the connection. If this doesn't work, I don't know what will. But this has to work. Finally the connection breaks. With a gasping breath, I sit up in a rush. Sweat had beaded down my forehead, and I was glitching crazily. The others were surrounding me. But I ignored their protest to get me to lay back down, and walked over to (Y/n). And her eyes opened.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I open my eyes carefully, the first thing I see being Anti. I feel tired despite having been sleeping for who knows how long. My head pounds, and my limbs feel heavy. "A-Anti?" I croak out. Everyone has gathered around me bed now. "G-Guys?" I say, my unused vocal chords strained. "(Y/n), vat do you remember?" Schneep asks. I think. "The gun...the tears...I tried to kill myself, and then I was here. How long was I out?" It then hots me why I did what I did, and I start crying. "About three weeks, we- calm down (Y/n), you're okay now." Schneep says. Chase is immediately by my side, a hand wiping tears from my face. I want to be angry, but also relish the warmth of his hand. In the end I decide to weakly swat his hand away. "'s not okay. I did what I did. I'm not supposed to be here." I say softly. "(Y/n), had you died, Anti vould have too. Your immune zyztems are connected. If you won't live for yourself, live for that." Henrik snaps at me. "Guys, can you give us a minute?" Chase asks.

I feel bad as they file out of the room, except for Anti who walks to another bad across the room. "Sorry Anti." I whisper. But he hears me. "Don't sweat it." He answers, laying down and facing away from us. I feel anxious as a Chase looks at me. "I was so scared." He whispers. "I didn't want to lose you." I frown. "Don't lie to me. You don't care about me. I heard you say I meant nothing to you to Stacy." I sob. "No, no, no, please (Y/n), don't cry. I'm so sorry for what I said. I was lying to her, I swear. I'm so sorry I put you through this. I'm so sorry." Chase is crying now. "(Y/n), please trust me when I say this, I was lying to her. And I know I was because..." He stops. "Because what, Chase." I ask hoarsely. "Because I love you." He whispers. I'm stunned. I didn't except that from him. I didn't expect that from anyone. I sob, to afraid to move, to afraid to speak. "I'm sorry." Chase apologizes again. "No, I'm sorry. Chase...I love you too."

The Pieces Of our Hearts can make a New One {Chase Brody x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now