Chapter 4

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Please talk to friends or family about this if you are going through this. If you ever want to talk to me about how you are feeling, do not hesitate. I want to help you. I am very serious, and care about each and every one of you.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

He leads me up the stairs of a large, bright, mansion looking house. After I agreed, we went to my apartment to get some things. I was slightly embarrassed when he saw how messy and dark it was. Chase opens the door for me, and I follow him in. As soon as I step in I am greeted with many pairs of confused eyes. There are a group of men that look similar to Chase. One has lime green hair, with a cat decorated cat mask and a black cape. Another is dressed as a doctor, and one is dressed in a blue vest and boulder hat and has a mustache. Then there is two more. One that looks the most like Chase, but with brown hair, and looks like a completely normal human being. The last one, he scares me a bit. His hair is a really dark green, his ears are pointed, his skin has a green tint, his eyes are black, and he scowls. He is dressed in a black T-shirt, black ripped jeans, and bandage around his neck, with blood seeping through.

I wonder who he is alive with that cut, but Chase interrupts. "Guys, this is (Y/n), she is going to be staying for awhile. (Y/n), these are my brothers. Marvin, Henrik, Jameson, Sean, but most people call him Jack, and Anti." Just now I realize I'm clinging to Chase's arm. I don't let go. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n), it's not often that Chase has a visitor." The one named Sean says. "But I need a word with Chase, so one moment." I detach myself from Chase, and let him go talk to Sean. Anti still scowls, and the others just look on. I wave a little. I guess that made Jameson decide I was friendly because he immediately smiles, and walks up to me to shake my hand.

I shake his hand, and he starts to make gestures with his hand, which I assume to be sign language. "I'm sorry. I don't know...." My voice falters. I get that feeling that makes me want to curl up and die. The feeling that I shouldn't be here, being annoying and stupid around them. Anti looks at me as if he can sense this, but he doesn't say a word. "Zat is alright. Jameson does not speak, zo he uses sign language. He zaid it is nice to meet you." Henrik tells me with an accent. "Nice to meet you too." I mumble looking at the ground. "No need to be shy, (Y/n), we don't bite." Marvin says. I nod, but don't lift my head.

Chase and Sean rejoin the group. "Sorry about that. Anyway, as Chase said, I'm Sean, but you call me Jack." He holds out his hand, and I shake it. "Nice to meet you, Jack." I move closer to Chase after I let go of his hand. "Chase will show you around and to your room." I wonder how much Chase told him because his eyes are sympathetic. I look away, but nod. Chase shows me the kitchen, the living room, bathrooms, bedrooms, and doors to the backyard, garage, laundry room, and front lawn. Then we go back to the guest room, where I will be staying. It's right next to Chase's, and across from Marvin's.

"Thanks for letting me stay, but I think I might be a burden to the others." I tell Chase. "No, they were just shocked, that's all. You are not a burden to any of us." I think carefully, but instead change the subject. "What did you and Jack talk about." I ask. "Well..." he sits down on the bed, and I follow suit.

~~~~~~A bit ago ~~~~~~Chase P.O.V.~~~~~~

"Chase, What the hell? You now you can't just bring people here." Jack whisper shouts. I know he isn't angry, he is just surprised. "Please Jack, She needs a place to stay. She needs help. I found her about to jump off a building." My voice is low, trying to make sure (Y/n) doesn't hear. "She what? Why— wait, why were you at the top of a building?" I shift my feet guiltily, and I look away. "Chase." Jack says sympathetically. "I know. I was being stupid, but when I saw her falling, when I grabbed her wrist, I realized there are people who care about me. That if I let my brothers help me, I can get past this, but she doesn't have people to help her, so that's what I'm going to do." Jack doesn't say anything. He nods. "Okay Chase, (Y/n) can stay. I think it will help both of you." "Thank you, Jack."

~~~~~Present~~~~~(Y/n) P.O.V.~~~~~

"Thanks for telling me Chase." I shift a bit, uncomfortable that Jack knows what I did. I feel like they will be judging me, that I'm just going to a useless person they have to take care of. "Um, it's getting late. I'm going to go to bed." I tell Chase quietly and awkwardly. "Ok, you know where my room is. Night (Y/n)." After he leaves, I stand and lock the door. I slide down the door, and curl up. This is awkward and uncomfortable. They don't want me here. Nobody wants me here. I want to die. I think. Suddenly a bright flash of green light appears for a second, and there stands Anti. "Holy Fu-" Anti covers my mouth, and flashes away.

The Pieces Of our Hearts can make a New One {Chase Brody x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin