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I have decided I will do what Rick did and put the P.O.V. As the name of the chapter. Enjoy!


The last thing I remember was watching a movie with Percy and then I woke up to a sunshine filled room and Percy nowhere in it.

I walked downstairs to make some coffee and found it had already been made, so I poured myself a cup and walked into the living room to find Percy asleep with Bianca right on top of him.

I carefully picked up Bianca and carried her upstairs to her crib and set her down to sleep. I went back downstairs, set my coffee on the coffee table, and snuggled right in beside the sleeping Son of Poseidon.


A couple hours later


I woke up to see Percy watching me while I slept.

"Now just how long have you been awake?"

"Hmm..." he fake thought tapping his chin.

"A couple minutes"

"Sure 'only a couple minutes'" I said rolling my eyes sarcasm dripping into every word.

"Okay fine maybe like, I don't know 20 minutes?"

I laughed. "Stalker"


"What?" I said with mock confusion.

Suddenly Bianca started crying.

"I'll be right back" I said starting to get up.

"No, I'll get her."

"Percy, you've been sleeping on the couch for.. only the gods know how long! Let me get her."

"Oh fine."

I stood and walked up the stairs with Percy trailing behind, he was relentless.

"Did I not just tell you to stay there?" I called behind me.

"Nope! Plus she's my daughter too you know!"

"Still the same old Percy." I chuckled under my breath. I picked up Bianca and we walked back down stairs.

"Percy can you get me one of her bottles, please?"

"Sure!" He walked into the kitchen took a bottle out of the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave.

He came back in and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem."

We sat on the couch, talking as I held little Bianca in my arms.

"Hey Percy?"


"How many... I don't know... kids, do we want?"

He looked at me, eyes clouded with thought.

"I actually don't know. Two or three maybe? I'm not sure."


"Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I was just wondering."

He thought for a second and then asked;

"Are you pregnant again?"

"Oh gods no Percy I wouldn't even think of it until Bianca is maybe one or two."

He let out a relieved sigh.

"Okay because I don't think I could handle another little one until this one is up and walking around maybe."

I smiled and looked down at the little bundle sleeping in my hands. I carefully stood up and walked over to the spare crib we kept in a part of the living room, and set her down to nap. I walked back over to where Percy was sitting, laced my fingers in his, and watched the news.


Hey peeps! Leave me comments of what I should write about because I am really starting to get serious writers block. Comments and suggestions are appreciated and credit will go to that person who made the suggestion so please and thank you! Bye!


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