Hopian 53 Part 1 - She's Always Been a Monster!

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A/N: Hey! In case you guys haven't noticed, I've decided to split this chapter into 2 parts due to the fact that I felt like 4k word chapters were a bit too long lol. In total, Part 1 and 2 of this chapter combined will be the same length as the prior chapters in the last few weeks, so no big deal on that part. Anyways, see you later!

Last chapter, Onyx pulled off his ultimate attack on Virile- but the Mayor was still able to just barely defeat Onyx with one final punch. Just as Virile is about to fall, he gains a second Blessing that reverts all of his injuries due to his sheer willpower, and at the same time Abigail appears and runs to her father's aid. Just before he can finish her and Onyx off for good, Commander Aora suddenly appears and blocks the Mayor's ultimate hit with one hand, and proceeds to defeat him with one kick. Now, after killing one of the brown vested goons, many more are charging after the hulking woman.

Seric's P.O.V.

Aora reaches the brown vested men in an instant with insane speed, and suddenly without even hitting them or stopping her charge each of the men who approach her front individually gag and are launched away into the sand without any physical contact, with only two of the brown vested goons who were standing far to the side being unscathed.

She doesn't seem to care about the stragglers though as she continues to bolt towards the destroyed entrance of Virile's mansion, until she finally reaches it and runs inside to where some of the other man ran into just a minute ago.

"How is she 18 again?! Her face and everything looks so mature, she looks older than you!!" I ask Karia in shock and fear as us two continue to sit by and stare out the window.

"Like hell if I know, she's always been a monster! Shit I really hope Commander's not here for us..." Karia responds to me as she gulps and tries to keep her cool.

I'm about to respond until suddenly I see Aora bolt out of Virile's mansion at a pace far faster than Karia's, and back towards the two stragglers she failed to defeat before.

"Sh-" The two of them try to react as they raise their swords, but before they can attack Aora pulls back both of her arms, and she spins them a bit until she finally slams both of her clenched fists into their chests.


Both of them are about to scream in pain but before they can they're sent flying off into the citizen area of Birzion with incredible speed, flying right in between two buildings outside of Virile's circular property, but not doing any damage to the structures.

My gaze peers back towards Virile's mansion though as I hear some sort of machinery start to boot up other than Metallica's who's still sitting next to us. Looking closer four injured brown vested men are struggling but still wheeling out some sort of giant blue minigun turret from the destroyed entrance, with its barrel probably being as long as me. One man is already sitting on the seat directly behind the turret which seems to control the thing, and he looks to be preparing to let loose a stream of bullets- though I doubt Aora will let them come even close to doing that.

"I've already made sure that machine is relatively safe, so fire away." Aora says calmly to the panicking men as she rests her hands by her sides, which seems to infuriate them even further as the four men on the ground duck down and grip the turrets platform, and at the same time the operator of the machine pulls down a lever and-


The turret lights up and begins to fire an onslaught of bullets towards the massive woman which even hurts my and Karia's ears due to the enhanced audio of the advanced window. However through it all Aora doesn't even raise a damn finger as not even a single bullet hits her, but instead all of the ammunition is being stopped midair, and falling down to the sand afterwards as the womans eyes dart in hundreds of different directions at once.

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