Hopian 86 Part 2 - Empathy

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Prósopsi's P.O.V.

I use my powers once again, which unknowingly to the crowd cheering about King Metallica's bounty makes them quiet down in fear a bit.

"Also, until these criminals are ALL taken down, me- as well as the Commander's of the Hopian Army will be stationed here to protect the Hopian Continent. And to those of you who are worried about your family and friends who will be conscripted. No new recruits will be serving on this continent, and instead will be stationed on the other more peaceful islands surrounding the Hopian Continent, such as Magthera or Birzion." I explain, which gets the crowd murmuring... hopefully it's good talk though.

"You think those places are any better?! This whole territory is a mess- we already lost family from the last fuck ups and now you're- you're going to seperate us again?! Putting THEIR lives at risk?!" Someone shouts out from the front of the massive crowd below us, which causes a lot of others to start yelling in protest as well. Hah... really? It's not even that bad... the kids live in luxary really...

A second later though- I can see a small white sphere flying towards my head at breakneck speeds.

I swing my free arm up and instantly blast a searing but precise wave of flames at the object- which obviously disintegrates it entirely.

"HEY! You alright sir?!" Ontarus shouts, with him now having his sword with an "8" shaped blue blade in his hands, while standing in front of me with the other two Commander's as well.

"AHHHH!" The people at the front of the crowd start to panic, as soldiers rush into the crowd to try to find the culprit... there should have been a Blessing checker at the front of the dome's entrance...

I nod to Ontarus, then think of my next plan, "Ohh this is bad... at least I said all the important parts though. I'll finish off with the last main point, and I'll tell government to replay this part of the broadcast on the electronic billboards and all of that too." I think to myself as I take in a deep breath.

"Lastly. The Hopian Army will be working extensively, day in and day out, including myself to track down these criminals and to keep you all safe. Speaking of which, in case you five criminals are watching this- or ANY criminals for that matter. This territory will stand united against you, and we WILL put an end to your crimes- in solidarity." I say loudly as I point a finger out, hoping that the panicking people below don't lower the effectiveness of my speech...


"Pretty cool end to the speech eh guys?" I ask with a little fake chuckle as me and the Commander's are now walking out of the dome, leaving the panicked citizens to the rest of the Hopian Army. Not like major criminals would be stupid enough to attack with us this close by anyways... they'd call me if they did either way.

"Nah I'm not gonna lie it was pretty chees- yeah yeah kidding it was cool I guess." Ontarus says with a laugh as I glare at him, with him holding his glowing blunt to his mouth now... least someone's happy...

"Thanks, I guess- and for acting on point during the meeting all of you. You three remember the next plan right? All of us will split up and start patrolling around the center of the Hopian Continent. Before that, be sure to put on your undercover disguises- and if you see any of the criminals related to King Metallica by themselves, capture them as quickly as possible and run. If King Metallica is spotted with them, hide and activate a telesphere immediately and I'll come to finish them. Understood?" I say, which all the Commander's nod at.

"Ah. Crap, I forgot to mention that we're in the process of filling in Erucid's spot in the "Four Holidays". Oh well... I guess... hah..." I think to myself, already starting to feel a bit depressed... of course the artificial dark cloudly sky above us isn't helping that any.

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