Hopian 82 - Freedom...?

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Last chapter, King Metallica- or Metallic now broke down after finally realizing and then accepting his past mistakes that he pushed to the back of his mind for all of his life. After seeing Seric somehow alive and "well", the now crownless robot was overwhelmed with joy and humbly revoked his Kingly title. Then with the help of Habram's blessings, a doctor who can save Karia arrives at the scene- however... a moment later, the leader of the Hopian Army, Head Commander Prósopsi rains lightning down on the quartet's parade.

Prósopsi's P.O.V.

"Mouths shut hands behind your heads." I command as I purposely intimidatingly slam down onto the massive piece of a building beneath me. I also of course have Aphrodite's- or technically Zeus' electricity armed in one hand, and divine flames in the other. I need to be ready, after all I'm the only Hopian Army member who's come to this scene due to how insane this damage is.

"Ok, ok, ok- calm down I have the help of a goddess! Seric the monster who probably did this has to at LEAST be unconscious, that other robot who could be a suspect is down, and Karia seems to be as well. But shoot this is bad, whoever made this massive hole was able to break FREAKING HESALO- they might be as strong as I am!" I think to myself as I sternly stare down at the debris covered ground beneath me as the charred body of Seric and the "lesser" fried body of King Metallica fall to the ground, with both of them falling face first.

"I hope that I don't regret not killing them here... I need to find out what happened here and fast!" I think to myself with a bit of doubt, and at the same time see a blonde girl with purple glasses sleepily staring up at me with wide eyes. A green haired man is also crouched down on the grassy ground next to her who's also terrified and staring up at me with a now bleeding head. ...But more importantly he has a giant briefcase next to him...!

"I said- hands behind your heads!" I command but almost lose my composure as I fire a lightning bolt right in front of the two conscious people, as who knows what kind of tech that guy has in that suitcase- maybe he made this mess using a giant bomb!

Anyways luckily this causes both of the potential criminals to snap out of their stupid dazes and for them to put their hands behind their heads as they sit on their knees.

Meanwhile my nude goddess Aphrodite is standing on top of my shoulders with her fingers circling her eyes like binoculars. She's of course scouting out the area using her godly eyesight for any signs of other potential threats. At least she's being serious for once- even she's not dumb enough to not realize how dangerous of a situation this could be.

"Can't see anything yet... oh hold on. There's a bunch of skeletons under the ground but there's... blegh, there's a fresh body with a crushed head underneath the dirt too..." She says with disgust, luckily like always with no one else being able to see or hear her though.

"That so- ok keep looking." I mumble to make sure it's hard to notice I'm talking to my "imaginary friend" as I continue to stare down at the two shaking people.

"Crap, I wish could get her to investigate that body's lingering soul but... I can't afford to let her leave me here. Anyways, ok if these two were going to pull something off they would've tried it by now..." I think to myself with a bit less worry now...

"Firstly how did you two end up here- and more specifically with these three criminals? Male, you speak." I command.

"M-my Air Mosey 9 malfunctioned and crashed right into he-here... and right after a bunch o-of shard- no purple and blue glass shattered around this area for miles! It was so strange, oh please help us Head Commander, e-everything looked fine beforehand, but suddenly this massive hole appeared instantly!" The man TRIES to explain... obviously he's kissing up to me in the process though, I can see it on his face...

The Five Kings: First Stepحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن