Hopian 99 Part 2 - Too Late, Fell into the Pit

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A/N: This chapter is pretty well unedited, so forgive me for any spelling mistakes (though feel free to point them out).

Last part, Elio's parents discovered Xalen's failed test mark- which led to them threatening to kick him out. This- along with many other factors caused him to attempt to kill himself a few days later- which luckily failed, however even after the fact, his parents still can't realize their mistakes... and so, Elio is now determined to run away from home.

Elio's P.O.V.

"Right- clothes are especially important to pack since that stupid Kingmas "winter day" is coming soon. But I'll need food as well... I'll bring my ID with me too, I doubt I'll ever need to use it but- just in case." I think to myself shakily as I throw a few pairs of my jeans into a big black suitcase that I found in our apartment, then continue to scramble around my room to get important things I'll need.

"Am I really doing this...? Shut up idiot- of course I am, I'm not going to feed into the cycle of this stupid competitive job market and create more Xalen's... but... wait... I'll have to leave him too if I go..." I think to myself with gritted teeth as I drop another pile of my clothes into the suitcase...

"But he was angry at me for saving his life! So would it really be so wrong to leave him behind? ...No, no- he probably didn't mean what he said, he just needs help... I know. I'll try to take him with me, then we can go to another hospital to get him help- AWAY from Mom and Dad. His head is probably almost healed already so... y-yeah, yeah I'll try that, just whatever I HAVE to get out of here!" I think to myself as I rigorously shake my head, then head over to my parents room.

They should have "safety money" there if I remember right... I won't take it all but I'll need quite a bit... not like they'll need to feed me or pay for my university classes anymore so, I'll take payment for that.

I slam the door to their bedroom open, and start to look through their cabinets- until finally after getting desperate and looking through their room from head to toe, I finally feel a jar hidden under their bed.

I pull it out, and notice it's only about half full with a bunch of Herin coins and bills... "That's not very much... sorry, "Mom" and "Dad" I'll have to take it all." I think to myself with a frown on my face, I mean, they SHOULD be fine with the money in their bank accounts as is... why am I feeling bad for them? Let's go, I'll go pick up Xalen quickly- then I'm gone!

Half an Hour later...

"...Dear God please let this work out somehow... you blessed Xalen enough to let him survive a bullet to the head, so please just let me save him from those monsters..." I think to myself with closed eyes, as after scanning my ID at the hospitals front door and going inside- I'm now walking through the halls of it as I pull two large suitcases behind me, one for me and one with Xalen's stuff... speaking of which, he should be in room 124.

"122, 123, 124. ...Stop being a baby, go." I think to myself with a sigh as I arrive at his door- then without a thought I scan my ID onto a small pad on the door, which automatically opens it, to where I can see him still lying in his bed with a ton of bandages being around his head. He slowly turns his body to look at me...

"Hey Xalen. Look- I know you're in a... dark place right now, so I'm sorry for yelling at you before. It's just- I love you so much, that seeing you not even caring about your life... it hurt. It really hurt me. But- more importantly- Xalen let's go. Mom and Dad, I talked to them- they haven't changed at ALL- when they take you back home, it's probably- no WILL just be the same as before. They even want to get you tested by a bunch of doctors like a lab rat for money... we need to leave. I have money- so we can rent a motel for a bit, I can sing on the streets to get us some money and..." I say but stop as Xalen gives me a weird look.

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