Hopian 80 Part 1 - The Sinner Vs. The Blessed

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Last chapter, Seric awoke to find himself in... nothing. Except for a massive man sitting in front of him who's name is Habram- who turned out to be the literal father of the universe, and of the Five Kings. However, contrary to the tales of the Five Kings his wife was slaughtered by a being "recently". At the end of their encounter, Habram tells Seric that he will help him as he starts to fade away- but in a not so friendly manner...

However more importantly, two chapters ago, King Metallica and Amandeath finally found Seric and Karia however they were both dead or near death. King Metallica started to break down until they found the murderer, Diosa Natash, in an alleyway next to them. His sadness then turned into anger as he used a new form of his, "Emperor Metallica" after hiding his one remaining pal away to obliterate everything around him. It turns out that King Metallica was created 257 years ago, and was by a group of genius time travellers in order to conquer the world!

A bit of time before Seric and Habram's encounter...

Narrator's P.O.V.


Everything inside the miles of area inside of "Father's shield of clouds" shatters and begins to fall. This is of course due to Emperor Metallica slamming the massive pile of every structure in the area down into the earth using one of his sphere's, "Wait, Don't Go".

This sphere would normally only work on living beings- however, in his Emperor Metallica form those restrictions that Koltek placed on him are removed. Meaning, that he can use all of his sphere's on any solid- living or not, and no matter it's mass. In this case, he can practically use "Wait, Don't Go" to suck in and launch anything he pleases- even the entire earth itself...

Diosa's bubble like aura is instantly shattered from the massive structures slamming down into him- however his body and armor remain relatively unscathed as he falls down alongside the massive chunks of pavement around him.

"I was right, t-there's- no way I can win, especially with my armor of soul residue destroyed! To think a robot like him could match the strength of Aphrodite's slave... why didn't father warn me- NO this is a punishment for not believing in father!" Diosa thinks to himself as he swings his head around to see where the massive chunks of artificial land and Hesalo are falling around him.

"Ah!" He calls out as he comes up with a plan, with the man starting to dive headfirst to the true earth beneath them, nimbly avoiding the flying debris in the process. As he approaches the earth he swings himself back upright and starts to stick his spear into the massive landmasses falling around him, with Diosa using each swing to slow down his descent.

Meanwhile, Emperor Metallica stands atop of the falling gargantuan heap of structures he slammed into the earth with gritted teeth and wide open eyes. He raises his palm from the "structure", taking his sphere out of it at the same time so it won't fly back to him.


The Hesalo starts to slam into the ground first with the landing not even scratching the super metal, while the artificial cement that used to lie above the Hesalo is still falling along with the two combatants.

The box that Amandeath took Seric and Karia into is luckily free from this fall, as since its temporarily detached itself from the physical world it is currently floating high above the chaos where the ground used to be.


Diosa swings off of a piece of rubble that's near the ground, allowing him to roll and slide along the grass that now lies beneath him.

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