Hopian 98 Part 2 - So Maybe I'll Just be a Fake

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A/N: Yo- before the chapter, wanted to show off this sick Amandeath fanart MangaStoryFan made a while back!

Definitely like the pose on this one- plus the gun's positioning and shape and all is pretty damn accurate. The clothes are nice too of course--

Last part, both Elio and his brother Xalen faced the repercussions of Elio speaking his mind about his opinions on the Hopian Continent. After having his personal diary confiscated and seeming even sadder than before, Xalen admits to Elio that lately he's had little drive for his studies. This was proven by Xalen completely forgetting about a test he had coming up in three days, and it turns out that Elio had one on the same day- which he practically aced. However he wasn't very pleased with his parents nonchalant reaction to the news...

Elio's P.O.V.

"...Whatever... like I said, I could care less about THEIR opinions. Xalen should have gotten his results too I think... yikes... I'll check on him. His results should have come out too since we're in the same uni."  I think to myself as I get up from my seat with a sigh, shaking my head and slapping my face to snap out of my bad mood as I walk towards and out through my rooms open doorway.

"...Hi Xalen, I won't tell mom or dad or anything like that so- what about the test?" I whisper as I- rudely poke my head into his room without warning and... his room light is on, and he's actually sitting upright on his chair for once. Did it go well?

"Hey. Hah, knock will you? But yeah... I got a 39 percent. Pretty sure I fail the course automatically now." Xalen says scarily calmly but-

"Shit- Xalen, that is... that's not good. At all. Are you sure that you'll fail for SURE? Professors can be lenient so maybe they-"

"Yes I'm pretty sure I'll fail, I'd need to get perfect on the exam to just pass. So... I know, I know that I messed up A LOT. But I mean... it is what is... I'd rather be happy than worry." He replies as he spins himself around to look at me with his brown eyes and with a small smile on his face...

"What? Look I'm glad that you're happy but... you are taking this seriously, right? If you do fail this class, you'll be set back a year. You know that, right?" I ask uneasily, as I have no clue where this guy's mind is at at this point...

"Yeah... I know. That's why I've decided on something. I've done a lot of research as of late, on careers I can pursue OTHER than... this hole I'm in. No offense though, software engineerimg just isn't for every type of person, I guess. Anyways. I think I'm going to ask them if I can pursue some type of acting career. That way, they know I'd still be working hard and "making them proud", even if I'm not coding and everything. Plus I have three years of vlogging experience, and I know that's what I love to do." Xalen says as he scratches the back of his head with him looking a bit nervous now.

"Xalen you kn-"

"I know. I understand that there's a good chance they won't let me go through with this. But I have to try. Ha. I've actually been praying to the Five Kings for the first time in years now... I trust that they'll bless me here. And hey... what IS the worst that could happen if they say no? I'll just adjust to that." Xalen mumbles on as I sigh... even if he DOES get the job, actors make little to no pay. Especially since pretty much all of Hopian's "actors" are just virtual avatars now, no one really watches movies anymore.

"...Alright man. Good luck." Is all I say with a sigh and with that I leave the room, as I already know exactly what's going to happen here. He should too... why does he have to only have be happy with delusions here?

A little while later...

"AHAHA- XALEN I- WE- AN ACTOR?! You'd may as well be a janitor at that point, they require about the same amount of skill. Just say some lines, look nice and you're good to go. Stop kidding around. So did you get your test results back yet, your brother did- he got a 97. I expect that you did better than that." I can hear Dad laugh out from the living room which- even though it's the response I expected him to get, it still hurts to hear.

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