Chapter 5

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Discovering what was lined up for The Stone Roses on their second Raw segment had pleased Grace and Zelina. They were going to do an appearance on A Moment of Bliss with Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross, immediately followed by a match against Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose.

The team known as Fire and Desire had recently taken a face turn, and were involved in a romantic storyline with each other. Working against them was going to be good, Grace thought. Sonya and Mandy had such different styles in the ring that it presented opponents with a lot to of options with regard to what to do during matches. The only down side was the finish that was lined up – Zelina beating Mandy with a roll up. That kind of victory didn't do much to get a new team over.

Grace had mentioned her concern to Zelina, who had agreed. At least there was a possibility that they might be able to get something done about it, for they had been summoned to see Lucy Thorne. People had a lot of positive things to say about the boss, but there was no doubt she was a micromanager. In some ways, that might be considered a good thing, Grace admitted to herself.

"So, we have the four of you tonight in a tag," Lucy said to the competitors, standing in front of her desk, with the four wrestlers standing before her. "I'm thinking about making this a short program between you, possibly finishing with a match at Hell in a Cell."

Grace looked at Sonya and Mandy, unsurprisingly seeing positive reactions on their faces. A pay-per-view match would be good for them too, helping to build on their face turn and their new angle.

"As for tonight, first things first, we've got a new entrance theme sorted out for you. I'm talking new graphics and new theme music," Lucy said, looking at Grace and Zelina.

"Awesome, thank you," Zelina said. She was the one who had made that request after Raw the previous week.

"You're welcome. So, you're going to do Moment of Bliss, with Alexa stirring the pot as only she can."

There were a few chuckles from the group. Alexa Bliss was the best shit stirrer in WWE, that was for sure. It also helped that she and Nikki Cross were the current Women's Tag Team Champions, meaning that it was in their interest to put other teams at each other's throats, keeping attention away from themselves.

Lucy looked at Grace and Zelina again. "You will rise to the bait, saying you'll show what you can do against any tag team who wants to come out and face you."

"And that's where we come in," Sonya said.

"Correct. Ladies, I know taking a loss this soon after I promised you I was going to push you isn't ideal, but this was the only way to get you on TV this week. Zelina and Grace need the win because if they lost only their second match together it would be damaging."

"We're fine with losing, but if we're going to put them over, why don't we actually put them over?" Mandy said. "What's the point of having a roll up for the finish? That does nothing for anyone. They gain virtually nothing, and we look like garbage. I'd rather take that new finisher, the.." Searching for the name, she looked at Zelina and Grace.

"Heart of Stone," Zelina said.

"The Heart of Stone," Mandy said to Lucy. "Can't I take that and lose?"

Grace hadn't spoken, but she liked what she was hearing. She hadn't worked much with Mandy so far. If this willingness to do good business was anything to judge by, she was going to enjoy doing it.

"Alright, that makes sense," Lucy said, showing the admirable quality of being willing to listen to her wrestlers and take their suggestions on-board. "We'll go with that. Work something out and use the Heart of Stone for the finish. Okay, that'll do, unless there's anything else?"

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