Chapter 28

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Grace was all set for the biggest night of her career. In less than ninety seconds, it would be getting underway. She was standing in Gorilla, ready to enter the women's Royal Rumble match at number twenty eight. There was little doubt in her mind as to what kind of reaction she was going to get when her music hit. During the past week, through WWE 'sources' leaking information to supposed wrestling journalists, there was already a lot of speculation online about Grace Stone winning the rumble. The majority of people were up in arms about it. She had even seen one tweet with a lot of likes claiming that there was going to be a riot if she won. Well, get ready to riot, she thought, grinning to herself.

By making the women's rumble the main event of the night, Lucy Thorne had gone for maximum and lasting effect from this victory, which was intended to have the alleged babyface Grace irreversibly rejected and hated by the fans, exactly the way Roman had been years earlier. The fans would be leaving the arena pissed off, and that would stick with them until Raw the following night, when she would likely feel the full force of their anger. Personally, she was enjoying it. Working so many people was entertaining, and the insults she received didn't get to her. After all, they were directed at her character and the booking she was benefitting from, not at the real Grace.

The ten second countdown started out in the arena, with the fans joining in. Grace prepared herself for her entrance, as the agent for the match gave her a cue that she didn't need.






The buzzer sounded. The production crew left a half second pause before dropping The Stone Roses music. Everyone in the arena knew it was Grace, for Zelina had already entered at number five, lasting around ten minutes before being eliminated. Thunderous boos filled the arena as Grace rushed through the curtain, jogging towards the ring. It was the most negative reaction she had received to date.

Reaching the ring, Grace slid under the bottom rope. Her first actions in the match were designed to generate even more animosity. Befitting someone who WWE considered a big star, she started kicking the asses of everyone in the match, delivering move after move to all comers. Mandy Rose was sent over the top rope, into elimination. Dana Brooke followed soon afterwards. Next went Naomi, all at the hands of Grace. She was left standing in the middle of the ring, all of her remaining opponents down on the mat. As she celebrated her dominating entrance to the contest, vicious boos rained down, almost as if the fans were hoping the force of their anger would somehow eliminate her.

The match continued, with Grace receiving hatred the moment she got any offense in on anybody. Liv Morgan, who had recently returned as a heel character, was nonetheless getting babyface reactions on most shows. That was certainly the case when she entered at number thirty.

When Liv hit the ring, there were already only three other women left: Grace, Bayley and Becky Lynch. Even though Becky was popular with the audience, Grace could tell that Liv was this particular crowd's favourite for the win. So much the better, she thought, since it was going to come down to her and Liv as the final two.

Liv made a huge statement by eliminating Becky soon after her arrival in the ring. It drew some boos from the Becky marks in the crowd, but a lot of people cheered, willing Liv on. Of the available options left, since Bayley was a heel and Grace was despised, Liv was the only palatable one.

Staying down in the corner, Grace listened to the action taking place in the ring with her. Bayley and Liv were going at it. Boos, albeit nothing like as forceful as those aimed at Grace, came moments before a big crash on the mat. Grace knew that would be a Bayley-to-Belly being delivered. It was her cue to start stirring.

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