Chapter 34

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Sitting in catering the night after Fastlane, Grace was in quite a bit of pain. Her back and stomach were covered in bruises, and her left shoulder was also badly bruised. Sasha Banks had done a proper number on her with the steel chair, not that Grace was going to complain about it. She was no stranger to giving or taking a good beating to get a storyline over. It was something that she considered to be part of the job. That didn't make it hurt any less, of course.

"Hey, look at this," Zelina said from across the table. They had been sitting there sharing a coffee and a companionable silence while looking at stuff on their phones. Zelina now turned her phone around and handed it to Grace. "One of our friends took that right before Seth asked me to marry him."

Wincing in pain, Grace reached across the table to take the phone. She looked at the picture on the display, which showed Zelina and Set standing hand in hand on a white sand beach, looking out to sea. The sun was just about to dip below the horizon, turning the sky a deep orange colour in a truly magnificent sunset. The photo was breath-taking. It looked like it could be used for a book cover or something. "Z, that's beautiful," she breathed.

"Scroll right," Zelina said.

Grace did so. A picture of Seth down on one knee on the sand appeared. The photographer was some distance away, meaning that the ring in his hand couldn't be seen. Nonetheless, it was a lovely romantic picture. "You have to get these frame, Zel. What lovely memories. I know I've said it before, but I'm so happy for you guys. You're such a great couple."

"Thank you," Zelina smiled. "Honestly, I was starting to wonder if he was ever going to ask me. Thankfully, he did. We're going to have our wedding right there on that same beach. We don't want a huge affair, just a few family and friends each."

"It's a lovely idea. I can't wait to see the pictures," Grace said, trying her best not to smile at her comment as she handed the phone back over.

"Don't be stupid! You're going to be there!" Zelina scolded.

Grace laughed. "Oh! I make the exclusive guest list."

"Idiot," Zelina chuckled. "All we need to do now is set a date."

"And buy a dress," Grace pointed out.

"Well, yeah. I meant to arrange the wedding all we need to do is set a date. But yes, I need to buy a dress. My mom has already decided she's going to be the one shopping with me."

Grace laughed again. "She's pulled rank. I can't fault her for that, to be honest."

Silence returned to the table for a moment as both women drank from their coffees.

"What are your plans this week?" Zelina asked.

Lucy Thorne had brought in a policy of having no live events between the end of February pay-per-view event and Wrestlemania in early April. The intention was obviously to minimize the risk of people getting injured and missing the biggest event of the year. For the wrestlers, it meant valuable time off.

"We're heading home tomorrow. Rome is picking Layla up from school and she's staying over tomorrow night. Then we're heading down to Miami on Wednesday to attend to a few things down there. We haven't been down there since the work started on the shop. We're also going to buy a decent camera for when we make videos for the YouTube show I told you about."

"I remember," Zelina said, sipping from her coffee. "Have you got a name for it yet?"

"I was chatting with my friend Clementine last night and we were throwing ideas around. Eventually, we settled on a name I like. Roman thought it was the best one out of the list we came up with, too. I'm going to call it Diving with Grace."

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