Chapter 19

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The best burgers in Miami, Grace read from the menu she was holding. It made her smile, for that was exactly what Tully Blanchard had promised them when he had given them the name and location of the restaurant she and Roman were now sitting in.

"It's been a long time since I demolished a burger," Roman said. "Eating something filthy can be a good thing from time to time."

"Amen to that," Grace said. "Besides, we'll be back in the gym tomorrow. What are you thinking of getting?"

"The barbeque cheese and bacon burger has caught my eye. How about you?"

Grace looked at him and gave him a smile that had an element of mischief about it. "Hot chilli burger."

"Of course," he chuckled. "I forgot you get chilli with everything."

"One day you're going to come around to the right way of eating things."

A young female server approached their table, an enthusiastic smile on her face. "Hi, guys! Are you ready to order?"

"We're actually waiting for someone to join us," Grace said pleasantly. "But I'll get a Coke, please."

"Make that two," Roman said.

"Alright, two Cokes coming up." The server set of to fix their drinks.

Grace and Roman were sitting beside each other, leaving Tessa Blanchard to sit opposite them when she arrived. It was the right way do things, considering that the upcoming chat over a late lunch was essentially going to be a job interview.

"What a stroke of luck to meet someone who could put us in touch with an experienced diving instructor who is looking for work," Grace said.

"Yeah," Roman nodded. "I'm going to need more than a sales pitch from her dad before I'm convinced about hiring her, though."

"Oh, for sure," Grace agreed. "I'm not saying it's a done deal, just that it was a stroke of luck to come across someone like that. And if she does the fit the bill of what we're looking for, it's one big item crossed off our list towards the business running."

"True. But let's keep in mind that we want the right person, not the first person."

"Noted," Grace said seriously. Her attention was drawn to a strikingly attractive woman with black hair who was limping in their direction. She looked to be in her late twenties, and was dressed smart-casual in a black shirt and pants. Her arms were muscular, Grace saw. In fact, she wouldn't have look out of place in a wrestling ring with a physique like that. She was carrying what looked like an iPad.

"Grace? Roman?" the woman asked hopefully as she approached them.

"That's right. You must be Tessa," Roman said, standing to greet her out of politeness.

"Nice to meet you. Thanks for agreeing to meet me," Tessa said as they shook hands.

"Thanks for coming," Grace said when her turn came to shake hands. "That's quite a limp you've got there."

"Isn't it?" Tessa smiled at her own expense. "Thankfully, it's not permanent. I tripped down my stairs a few days back. I was lucky I didn't break something."

"I'm glad you didn't," Grace said with a grimace. "Please, have a seat."

The three of them sat down, Tessa taking the seat opposite Grace and putting her iPad on the table. Before they had a chance to start the conversation proper, the server returned with the two drinks that had been ordered. "Two Cokes," she announced, putting them on the table. "Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked Tessa.

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