Chapter 14

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As it turned out, the parts of Poseidon's Secret that took place underwater or on either of the two dive boats in use on the project were to be filmed first, in order for the boats and underwater equipment to be returned to where they were hired from as soon as possible. There would be further underwater scenes shot later in a huge water tank on set, with the footage then having CGI work done on it. The schedule meant that the movie's scenes were being filmed totally out of sequence in relation to where they occurred in the finished product. That wasn't out of the ordinary, Grace knew from past experience.

The plan put together by the film crew called for the simplest water scenes being filmed at sea to be taken care of first, working on towards those that involved longer dives. Grace figured that was to help anyone who might be lacking confidence in their diving to build that confidence up as they went. It was a good idea, she thought, although it obviously wasn't going to be a concern for her personally.

Poseidon's Secret's plot revolved around Joe, Roman's character, who was a treasure hunter looking for an ancient solid gold tablet that his research indicated had been lost when a ship called Poseidon's Adventure had sunk. Having located the shipwreck, he and Athena, his research assistant come dive partner, played by Grace, intended to explore the wreck in order to locate and retrieve the gold tablet.

On their first dive on the wreck of Poseidon's Secret, Joe and Athena would encounter another treasure hunter in Stephanie, Nikki Bella's character, who had the same intentions regarding the gold tablet. Starting as competitors, they would go on to form an alliance against a third treasure hunter who was the 'bad guy' of the movie, with a romance also blooming along the way.

Before any of that was filmed, Roman and Grace had to meet their co-stars, including Nikki Bella herself, who was a big star for WWE to have recruited for one of their projects.

"At least we made a good impression by showing up early," Grace said to Roman. Among the first to arrive, they had standing on the dock for a while with the director, a bunch of the film crew and a few of the minor actors involved in the movie. So far, there was no sign of Nikki Bella.

"Yeah, and it's good to meet everyone," Roman said, sipping from a cool bottle of water that one of the crew had passed around from a large cool box that would be going with them on the boat.

Their attention was attracted by a black SUV pulling up nearby. A smartly dressed driver got out and opened one of the rear doors. Watching on, Grace recognised Nikki Bella when she got out of the SUV. She couldn't help the pang of insecurity she felt, looking at her truly beautiful co-star. Wearing a fashionable white dress and heels, Nikki had a gorgeous face, a figure that men would die for, and the best pair of tits money could buy. In every respect, Grace felt put in the shade, and she wondered what Roman was thinking as they watched Nikki walk over towards them.

"Apparently she merits a driver," Roman commented. It was pretty wild, as the walk from the hotel to the dock couldn't have taken more than three minutes.

"Apparently," Grace agreed, hiding her emotions.

Nikki was approached by the director first. After they greeted each other with familiarity that suggested they had worked together before, the director began introducing her to the other actors, actresses and crew members. Roman and Grace stayed where they were, waiting for their turn.

"And here we have Roman Reigns," the director said when he and Nikki came over. "Roman, meet Nikki Bella."

"Roman, good to meet you," Nikki said, flashing a winning smile at her co-star as she offered a handshake.

"Nice to meet you," Roman said, carefully shaking the rather dainty hand. "I'm looking forward to working with you on this project," he added, to Grace's annoyance.

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