Chapter 10

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Instead of heading to the bus when she was ready to leave the arena, Grace had sent a message to Roman, arranging to meet up with him outside of the men's locker room.

"How's your nose?" was the first thing she said as she approached him, finding him waiting for her in the hallway. During the main event of Raw, Roman had taken a kick to the face that had connected, giving him a pretty heavy nosebleed.

"It's fine," Roman said with a relaxed smiled. "It's not broken, it was just a bit bloody. Soon got it taken care of."

As Grace reached him, Roman leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips. She was surprised, pleasantly so. He really did mean what he had said about being open about their new relationship. Anyone might have seen that kiss. Apparently Roman didn't care. Somewhat to her surprise, Grace realised that she didn't either. If anyone wanted to get jealous, they could go right ahead.

"I was going to ask if you're still up for telling the group about us," she said with a chuckle. "I think I have my answer."

"I'm looking forward to it," Roman said definitively. "Unless you want to put it off for now?"

"Absolutely not," Grace said, just as definitively. "I expected to be feeling nervous about it by now, but I'm actually not. I've never been one to care about people judging me. You and I know how well we've connected since we met. We know we don't think we've rushed into it."

"And we know how good the sex was that night," Roman added.

His words fired Grace up immediately. She was hungering for more where that had come from. "Oh God yes," she said longingly. "The one bad thing about stupid bunk beds."

"We're in a hotel Wednesday night," Roman reminded her. "I'm going to get us the best room they have. We're going to have room service food, we're going to have wine, and we're going to pick up where we left off that morning at your place."

"Mmm," Grace purred, reaching up and kissing him. "Sign me up for all of that."

"You're already signed up," Roman said gruffly. The nearby locker room door opened and Seth emerged, spoiling the moment.

"Christ, you weren't missing his ass that much were you?" Seth chirped at Grace.

Actually, I was, she thought. "More than I was missing yours," was the answer she chose, drawing laughter from both men as the three of them started walking in the direction of parking garage, pulling their travel cases along behind them.

It didn't take them long to reach the parking garage, where Elena was waiting for them outside the bus. Zelina and Bayley's cases were already loaded into the luggage compartment.

"Roman, how's your nose?" Elena asked. Although she almost always stayed on the bus during shows, she watched Raw live on the TV in the living area.

"Just a bit of blood is all. No breaks," Roman was happy to confirm.

"Good. Grace, I don't know how you do it, but you turn into a... how do you say? Nasty piece of work?"

The trio all laughed. Since getting with Bayley, Elena's English had improved a lot. She still struggled for words occasionally, but usually found the correct ones, as she just had.

"Thanks, Daga, I'm doing my best," Grace said, flashing a smile that contained only happiness, in contrast to the nasty one seen on Raw.

Leaving his case with Elena, Seth walked up the steps into the bus. As Elena started loading the cases, it gave Roman and Grace the chance to exchange a look. 'Are you ready to do this?' his expression asked. Grace nodded, not feeling reluctant at all.

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